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  • For oily skin
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 types of face masks

Types of facial masks

Caring facials - absolutely indispensable tool for those who care about the beauty of his face. Such masks can be called "heavy artillery" of cosmetology - unlike conventional creams, they contain large amounts of healthy ingredients and are highly efficient. Store bought or made their own masks - a wonderful way to make the skin beautiful.


Cleansing Mask

Purifying mask helps to get rid of grease, dirt, dead skin particles. Getting into the pores such masks contribute to the disappearance of "black spots" - comedogenic. The composition of cleaning masks often include cosmetic clay, known for its absorbent properties. The ready-cleansing mask often included anti-inflammatory component, for example, zinc and salicylic acid - these tools are indispensable for problem skin, prone to acne. One can prepare cleansing mask and in the home, using a cosmetic clay. The frequency of use of such masks depends on skin type: those who have oily skin, you can use these masks to three times a week, and owners of dry and sensitive skin is enough to twice a month.

Cleansing mask-sauna has a warming effect. Such a mask is applied to wet skin. In contact with water the mask warms up the skin pores open, and all the dirt out of them can be easily removed. Such a mask is easy to thicken in the air, so it is often sold in individual packages for one or two applications.

Another type of cleaning masks - masks film. Such masks are viscous gel which when applied to the skin is transformed into a thin film. Fifteen to twenty minutes after applying the mask is removed carefully from the skin and removed together with the film pieces of dead epidermal skin and deep dirt and face remains fresh and clean.

The treated skin is very well perceived nutrients, so after cleansing masks are often recommended to apply the toning, moisturizing and nourishing agents. It is worth and the right to a type of skin lotion, contributing to tightening pores.


Moisturizing Mask

Moisturize the skin should be absolutely anyone, but for dry and aging, it is vital. Instantly moisturizes the skin, such masks restore the natural moisture balance, return integuments elasticity and youthfulness. The composition of the finished moisturizer often include hyaluronic acid, amino acids, ceramides, collagen, aloe extract and other ingredients that allow the skin to retain moisture.

After applying moisturizing masks skin looks fresh and rested. It becomes soft, supple and soft. A similar effect can persist for several hours after the simultaneous use of masks. A regular use provides continuous hydration of the skin.

At home, moisturizing mask preparing most of the aloe. Cut off the leaves of the plant are crushed to a pulp and applied to clean skin for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, the mask is removed carefully, and the face is moistened with thermal water. Keep in mind that aloe stimulates hair growth Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 So those who have unwanted facial hair, this mask is not recommended. In this case, instead of aloe can use other ingredients: cucumbers, zucchini, honey, chamomile, cottage cheese, bananas, sour cream and yogurt.


Nutritious masks

Nutrients masks are very popular. With these wonderful tools can provide skin cells with all necessary materials, to freshen the face and gives the skin tone. Such masks perfectly complement the basic facials. There are a lot of ready-nourishing masks, saturating the skin with vitamins and trace elements, in addition, these masks you can prepare yourself from almost all the products that have a home.

For example, very effective nourishing mask on the basis of oatmeal or oat flour. In an extreme case, the flour can be replaced by very fine oatmeal without sugar and other additives. Oatmeal is filled with hot milk and infused for five minutes. Thereafter, the mask can be added to vegetable oil, honey, egg yolk and other components. Oat mask not only nourish the skin but also the tone, cleanse, refresh and moisturize it, as well as slow down the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

To nourish the skin, you can use any kind of fruit, vegetables and berries. Preferably, of course, the fruits from your own garden, grown without chemical fertilizers. These masks contain organic acids, vitamins and minerals, perfectly moisturize the skin and nourish it. Especially good mask of strawberry, banana, cucumbers, tomatoes, raw or boiled potatoes, grapes, pumpkins, and other products.

It is possible to prepare nourishing masks used as cream, sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Natural plain yogurt and cottage cheese. The perfect tool for Power persons - egg yolk. Very good as honey masks, but they are suitable only for those who are not allergic to honey.


Firming Mask

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and will inevitably sag. This natural process can be quite slow, using funds from the lifting effect. Of course, these tools will not replace any surgeon's scalpel or salon treatment, but they are quite capable to prolong youthfulness of the skin.

On sale you can find a lot of money with lifting effect. The structure of such masks typically include coenzyme Q10, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, plant extracts. Even one procedure gives the skin a pleasant feeling supple and taut, but such masks are usually applied courses. Improve circulation and deeply moisturize the skin, such tools provide long-term effect.

You can make a firming mask and natural products. So, very popular protein and oat mask from whipped egg whites and a couple of tablespoons of steamed oatmeal. The mask is applied on the face for twenty minutes, then washed with cool water.

It is very effective as gelatine mask. To prepare gelatin filled with hot milk in a ratio one to two. The mixture is thoroughly agitated to dissolve the gelatin. Cooled down to room temperature, the mask was placed briefly in a refrigerator, so that it thickens to a gel state. This gel is applied to the skin for fifteen minutes, then washed with cool water.

It is important to use a lifting mask. After applying the mask is required to adopt a horizontal position and fully relax the muscles of the face. Otherwise, the mask not only tighten the skin, but also will promote its sagging. To achieve sustainable effect firming mask should be done regularly.

Maria Bykov

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