auspicious days for cutting hair
 Hairstyle - is not just a part of the image, its decoration and an integral part. Hair many people associate with the forces of the cosmos, arguing that through them we have a relationship with the unknown, otherworldly, magical, because desirable for knowledge. In this connection, ready to change hair, many women learn auspicious days for cutting hair, which are calculated according to different parameters. Believe it or not similar samples - is an individual matter, however, this information may be useful and, in any case, not out of place.


Cyclical fluctuations

 auspicious days for cutting hair
 Hair growth, as well as the functioning of many processes in our body, is inextricably linked with metabolism. By itself, also it has a different metabolism rate and characteristics in different time intervals according to season, day, and depending on age. It is not surprising that the hair growth and the feasibility of haircuts in a given moment of time associated with the cyclical processes that occur inside the body and in nature, in turn, influenced him.

Well-known and scientifically proven fact - the growth of hair in a human accelerated, the other can be slowed down. All this is due to the vitamin content Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and minerals, and also depends on the time of year. Hair clippers, there are not only favorable days, and months, and they should be considered for those planning to quickly grow hair, sostrig them, for example, after an aggressive color or perm. In spring and summer hair grow faster than in the autumn and winter, but otherwise proceed from favorable days associated with certain cycles.


Haircut and hormones - is there a relationship

 auspicious days for cutting hair
 Menstrual The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
   a woman related mass of superstitions, prejudices and well-founded and repeatedly confirmed by experience. Skin and hair are reacted in this period intervene in different ways, sometimes extremely unfavorable. The days of menstruation to be prejudicial to hairstyles, because in this period the hair can go bad after sostriganiya. Of course, it concerns primarily owners of short cuts that support them for their good styling immediately after the haircut is essential.

Ideally, any manipulation of the hair like a haircut and coloring, and perming, should be postponed for a time after a month, when the hormone behind the boom, tearfulness and irritability. Moreover, given that the coloring is almost always combined with hairstyle.


Haircut and lunar cycle: hair by satellite

 auspicious days for cutting hair
 It has long been known that the moon phases affect not only the person's mental state but also in the metabolic processes in the body, including the hair growth. The well-informed in this matter people think through an appropriate time for cutting, after which the hair needs to grow healthy and strong.

The determining factor for the choice of hair cutting is the growing or waning moon. It is believed that if the hair is cut at a decreasing phase, they will grow slowly, if growing, then growth will accelerate, and the hair itself will become more healthy and beautiful.

As for the specifics, the astrologers make advance lunar calendar for each month of the year, which should be guided by choosing the optimal time for a successful haircut. If you want to secure the quality of hair growth, they do not try to cut the first day of the lunar cycle in the growing phase, and the third to fifth. At this time, the moon has the most significant effect on metabolic processes in the body. It is believed that a haircut these days not only ensures good condition of the hair, but also frees the person from negative energies, which they have accumulated, they cleanse the aura.

If you want to try for yourself the properties of the lunar cycle, try refreshing hairstyle every month at this time. It is not necessary to do anything radical, just enough to shear off the tips. This is primarily save you from split ends, tired hair open access to food and update and eliminate the backlog in the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   negative information.

 auspicious days for cutting hair
 Astrologers also warn that you can not cut hair when the Moon passes through the constellations Cancer and Pisces. Haircuts in these periods are considered unfavorable for the hair. When the moon is in the constellations of all the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), as well as Libra and Leo, a haircut is highly desirable.

As in the case of "critical days", it is strongly not recommended to cut the period of peak activity - in the days of lunar and solar eclipses and full moons.

If you select the appropriate day of the week, the most favorable for a hairstyle, it is better to stay on the Thursday or Friday. Thursday and Friday have a reputation for days to upgrade and release excess energy information and ballast. Weekends, especially Sunday, are considered unfortunate time for finding a new hairstyle at the beginning of the week and the hair cutting is not necessary.

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