• Hairstyle in the style of the 30's: Retro style is back in fashion
  • Elegant wave

 hair in the style of 30's graceful wave

Hairstyle in the style of the 30's: scud graceful wave

Retro style, by and large, have never gone out of fashion - from year to year, creating new collections, fashion designers are guided by vintage images of bygone eras. If you recently, some two seasons ago, through the efforts of many fashion designers in the fashion back style elements of the eighties, now a special interest are the era of a little more than old - and including the era of the thirties, the elements of style which can be seen not only in the new collections clothing and hairstyles. Hairstyle in the style of the thirties - ideal for special occasions such as a wedding or a reception, and a little less formal parties.

The era of the thirties - is the embodiment of extravagance and glamor Glamour - the charm of bad taste  Glamour - the charm of bad taste
 : Recovering from the Great Depression of the thirties fashion took a more feminine direction. Women finally abandoned the androgynous style of The main styles of dress: a brief history of the fashion styles of the second half of the twentieth century  The main styles of dress: a brief history of the fashion styles of the second half of the twentieth century
   hairstyles and copying more feminine and elegant, endlessly seductive images of Hollywood stars - Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford. The depression made high fashion more accessible, so the thirties even today considered the personification of the elegant and refined style - not only in clothing but also hairstyles. Sharp waves and curls that adorned the heads of women at the time, became one of the most recognizable symbols of the era.

The main feature of all the hairstyles era of the thirties was an abundance of curls - soft waves, framing a woman's face, gave him a special, infinitely seductive and flirtatious femininity. These hairstyles are equally well combined with the style and everyday, and with luxurious dresses Hollywood stars on the red carpet - because of its beauty they are to this day remain relevant, though quite complex in execution.


Secrets retro curls

 hair in the style of 30's graceful wave
 Elegant hairstyle in the style of the thirties of hair, you can create not only the interior, but also at home - with cold packing. Cold installation is very simple - with the fingers and a comb, though it is best to create hairstyles in the style of the thirties to take advantage of someone else's help. The main element of a hairstyle - a soft waves which may be either direct (i.e. disposed parallel to parting) or oblique (at an angle of 45 degrees to the parting) or transverse. The size of the waves depends only on taste and imagination holders hairstyles. Typically, cold styling is on the side parting, although, again, depending on the tastes you can put your hair in waves and parting.

Pawn clarity and durability of hairstyles in the style of the thirties - styling tools: to create a hairstyle is best to use the gel with a strong fixation that will help to create the most precise, smooth waves. Hairstyle should be done on clean, wet hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 First causing the gel, and then determine the direction of the waves.

Perhaps the most simple kind of haircuts in the style of the thirties - a simple direct waves that start at a distance of a few centimeters from the parting. To create a wave that will require the usual wooden comb, which will act as a kind of "stencil" for future waves introduced into the hairbrush hair exactly perpendicular to the head and then shifted sharply to one side. As a result, shifted her hair forming a clear wave, which is necessary to break the comb gently and firmly seated. Thus, gradually shifting the comb all the hair below, creating a wavy styling.

The final step in creating hairstyles in the style of the thirties - thoroughly dry cold laying. To stacked wave does not lose its definition, locks must be clamped or use a grid - or the air flow immediately destroy the hair, so hard to create. To hairstyle as long as possible remained a clear, smooth and elegant, you can use hair spray with strong fixation.

Hairstyle in the style of the thirties equally suitable owners of short hair, and long-haired women - though the latter in order to recreate as close as possible to the original style of the thirties in the hair, the hair will have to slaughter.

Tatiana Smirnova

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