hot scissors
 Probably not women who would not dream of a luxurious head of hair. But the condition of the hair in most poor: improper care, perm Perming hair - important proper care  Perming hair - important proper care
 Staining, stress and poor environment do hair secant and lifeless. And a real salvation for such hair scissors are hot, which literally "seal" the ends of the hair, giving them a split.


A common problem

Split ends - is hair that is split or break off the ends. Such hair is dull, lifeless, easily confused. They always look neuhozheno, even the most luxurious haircut and thorough styling will not be saved if the tips posechennyh hair sticking out in different directions.

The problem of split ends are facing many, most often it occurs in owners of long hair. This is natural: after all, the longer the hair, the older they are, therefore, the longer they are exposed to various negative factors.

Hair can be split for different reasons. Generally, this problem occurs due to:

  • improper hair care. The use of unsuitable shampoos, frequent staining, backcombing, immoderate tapering and curling hair dryer too hot hair dryer, use of inappropriate combs - all of these errors lead to the fact that the ends of the hair desiccate.
  • poor nutrition hair. This problem may occur in those who are dieting or eats too monotonous. His role and circulatory disorders of the scalp various etiologies.
  • external factors, which include chlorinated and sea water, sun, frost and wind.


The methods of struggle

 hot scissors
 The tips of the split ends lack luster, they look lighter than the rest of the hair, do not keep their shape and are very visible to others. Despite the fact that there are many sera, allowing to "glue" the hair ends, the effect of such agents usually negligible. A truly reliable way to deal with split ends - a pair of scissors. If you regularly prune the tips of the hair, they look healthy and beautiful.

But regular haircut is a short-term effect: a month later split ends may reappear. This occurs because regular grooming violates the hair structure, leaving the ends of the strands exposed: as a result the hair ends quickly desiccate again.

It is much more effective haircut hot scissors. During this procedure, the tips of the hair under heat as if "soldered" and can not be split. Hair retain optimal moisture levels and look healthy and strong.

It is believed that such a hairstyle is still practiced Cleopatra: slaves specially heated scissors, which cut their hair queen. Modern Scissors "hot haircut" are arranged differently: the tool itself remains cool, a heated working surface. This heating is regulated by the master depending on the individual features of the structure of hair and their needs.


How is the procedure

Before cutting the hair with hot scissors are examined on a special machine, which allows you to see the structure of the hair. After that, depending on their condition wizard can figure out how exactly to cut hair to their condition improved. For fine hair Thin hair - can not be cured, but can be hidden  Thin hair - can not be cured, but can be hidden
   Usually, a temperature of one hundred ten to one hundred thirty degrees for normal hair scissors hotter and thicker hair trimmed with scissors, the temperature of which is one hundred and fifty degrees.

 hot scissors
 Haircut hot scissors lasts a long time. First stylist every strand twists in the flagellum, finding thus split ends and cutting them. If a lot of hair, and they are long, the process may be delayed. After that hair is shaped. Pruning is done by the same hot scissors, but now not only cut posechennye tips, but also healthy.

To shape the hair can not be used the usual tools - it would nullify the whole effect of hot scissors. For finishing strands can use a special "hot razor."

Those who grow their hair is usually very sorry to shear off the tips. But with hot scissors hair length is almost not reduced: it is mainly processed only split ends. In addition, a haircut is enough to make every month, and three or four times a year. However, usually the master advised the first three times to cut hair with hot scissors once a month, and then repeat the procedure every three months. This approach avoids splitting the tips of her hair back and the attractiveness of a couple of months.

Sometimes a haircut hot scissors, and recommend to owners of short hair: hair cropped so fit well. Hair after several treatments significantly improve their health, well-groomed look like the picture of a fashion magazine, and is noticeable effect already after the first procedure.


Disadvantages haircuts hot scissors

The main drawback of the procedure - is, of course, its price, which can be significantly higher than the price of conventional trim ends. But not only the high cost forces many women to abandon the procedure: judging by the reviews of those who have tried such a hairstyle, the result is not always satisfactory. The effectiveness of the procedure is highly dependent on the skill of the master: it is enough to expose the wrong temperature hot scissors to the procedure of utility become harmful.

You can not get a haircut hot scissors once and for all forget about the problems with the hair: the procedure must be repeated regularly as hair regrowth. And to the need for a hot haircut occurred less often, should be especially careful to take care of the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 : Less use a hair dryer, use only high-quality dyes, eat right, do not forget about vitamins, less worry and protect hair from the sun, frost and wind.

Maria Bykov

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