Family Psychology stop complaining
 Men have habits or character traits that are sometimes much bother women. They can be expressed in different ways, but the effect is one of them - his second half angry, irritated, constantly spoke to him about this, trying to change something, parallel complaining. She complains about him, girlfriend, mother, sparing himself. Sometimes the situation seems deadlocked and emerges a vicious circle, out of which it is not possible. Family psychologist in this case are quite tough response as a solution to the problem: Stay with it, taking it for what it is, and stop complaining or leave it.

For example, men tend depressive moods. In principle, they do not comprehend it all the time, because usually he appears healthy and happy. But those moments when it covers the black melancholy, his beloved seem unbearable. It can not silently watch it, it bothers her, annoyed she torments him, torturing myself complaining all around, but it suffers because it is very fond of.

This situation is probably familiar to many women. In men, there may be many of these deficiencies, which are able to put out. And then his wife is in a very dangerous position, and the unenviable between love and hate when it seems impossible to leave her husband because there are feelings, but also a harmonious life does not add up due to irreconcilable differences, which often become a cause of divorce. But psychologists say that it's worth to take up the issue seriously and come out of it, because the constant complaints - is unproductive behavior that does not change anything, but only hurts one and the other spouse, and then others that they are being watched.

If this is your situation and you know it yourself, try as soon as possible to bring the time of its decision, which occurs in three major phases:

 How to stop constantly complain

Recognize and specify what exactly bothers you

Indicate the problem and talk about it with her husband. Explain that you do not like and why.

 How to stop constantly complain

Do not blame yourself, and try to change something

Often, when a man has any problems, she constantly repeats that it is her fault that she is wrong or that everything takes so close. And if she feels that something is wrong, convincing themselves that it is actually normal, irritation and accumulated one day break at risk. The conversation is inevitable and take this as a given.

And here there are two ways of development of the situation. At best man really try to adjust their behavior, knowing that there is a problem that is unpleasant to his wife, and destroys the harmony of relations. Otherwise, he is unable to change something or just do not want this, replying that it should take for what it is.

 How to stop constantly complain

The hardest part - making the decision

You need to understand what awaits you on. If the situation is resolved is not the best way and there is the prospect of further observations that were previously without any changes were made, it is necessary to think, so there is strong love to come to terms with the fact that so worried about? If so, the only solution will not touch a man with this question, not to raise a topic with either him or the others. If not, it's worth thinking about the separation Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
 . In the end, a relationship that is not a joy, require a hard treatment. But if you do choose to love that, in your opinion, is able to cope with all the turmoil, you need to stop complaining. No need to feel sorry for themselves or do not need to bother others.

Always remember that your relationship - is your free choice.

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