nail extension
 About beauty is judged not only on makeup or hair, but also on the details. Nails - among the most important of these details. Long manicured nails are stable at the height of fashion, but for many reasons, not all can and want to grow natural long nails. Someone quickly become brittle nails, someone interferes with nail-biting, and so on. Nail - out for those who can not grow their long claws, as well as for those who want to get rid of nail biting Harmful nail-biting and how to fight it  Harmful nail-biting and how to fight it
   (few have the habit is strong enough to start nibbling artificial nails).

Nail in recent years has become increasingly popular, new techniques and materials, artificial nails are necessary attributes of fashion shows. There is nothing strange: artificial nails are beautiful, durable, and feature a bold experiment in the field of nail art.

Artificial nails - a procedure in which artificial nails are created in accordance with the wishes of the client, is attached to this, native nails. These are similar to the natural nails, they are often even paint "under the present".

The main types of nails:

  • Acrylic capacity - the most popular type of building, but gel nails are serious competitors acrylic. Acrylic mixture is usually prepared in the presence of the client, special mixing powder with a liquid. They are made of a combination of the two compounds - monomers and polymers. They are mixed and applied onto nails, and the mixture dries out, it becomes solid. Then the nails give the desired shape and color and / or decorated with sequins, volume figures, or other elements of nail design. At sufficiently gentle treatment acrylic nails Acrylic nails: a way of expression  Acrylic nails: a way of expression
   will be held a few weeks. Acrylic nails are frozen without the aid of any special tools. They can be removed with acetone - unlike, for example, by gel nails.
  • Silk buildup. In this building material is used, which allows the nails to breathe. This type of nail provides the most short-lived results. Silk capacity is considered the least harmful to the natural nail, and therefore best suited for their recovery. These nails look pretty natural, and provide adequate oxygen supply to the nail plate. Silk is much thinner acrylic nails or gel nails, and are more flexible. At the same time, they are the least durable of all kinds of artificial nails, and for this reason are not suitable, for example, those who lead an active lifestyle or just a lot of work by hand. But silk capacity is ideal for restoring weak nails.
 nail extension
  nail extension
  • Gel capacity .  Gel nails can be seen in the pages of fashion magazines, they are gaining popularity .  Nails are obtained strong and, experts say, these nails can through a layer of gel to obtain a certain amount of oxygen .  Gel nails do also from a mixture of monomers and polymers, but the mixture, unlike acrylic, odorless .  Furthermore, it is dried by ultraviolet lamp, thereby procedure takes relatively little time .  Relatively recently, there was a gel that was dried without UV light; today it is slowly gaining popularity .  In this gel, after its application to the nails, a brush or spray applied Substance-activator, under the influence of which the gel hardens .  This gel also solidifies in the usual cold water, and in some salons to create gel nails activators are not used .  Gel nails look natural acrylic, but they are not as strong .  On gel nails very good looking french manicure French manicure - the good old classics no longer in vogue?  French manicure - the good old classics no longer in vogue?
 Not losing popularity for several years now. To remove gel nails should only be qualified.
 nail extension
  nail extension

Advantages and disadvantages of nails

Made all the rules of artificial nails usually do not represent a health hazard. However, if you do them with violations of the art, and / or wear them for too long, artificial nails can seriously damage your nails. One of the most common problems - a fungal infection that can begin to develop in the space between the artificial and natural nails. Typically, fungal organisms do not grow under the nails of the fingers, but the artificial nails can create a favorable environment for them.

If artificial nails are attached directly to the surface of the natural nail, even slight damage to the artificial nail can lead to separation of the nail from its nail bed. This opens the bacteria access to the space, it is very convenient for them to expand.

Some hospitals forbid its staff to wear artificial nails. In the late 1990s, several deaths of premature infants were allegedly associated infections caused by bacteria that multiply under acrylic nails nurse to care for them.

However, there are nails and a lot of advantages. So, with their help you can quickly cover up damaged, broken, very short nails - this is particularly handy for those who need to tidy appearance before the wedding or other special occasion. In addition, they can help break the habit of biting his nails, which sometimes refuse no less difficult than quitting smoking.

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