 Otoplasty - a cosmetic surgery Plastic surgery  Plastic surgery
 Which is held for correcting various problems in the structure of the auricle. With otoplasty droopy ears can be corrected to reduce the ears or only parts - such as lobes, recreate the missing parts of the ear, and so on. For professionals otoplasty treated as people with congenital disorders of the structure of the ear, and with defects resulting from trauma.

In most cases, otoplasty do children between the ages of four to fourteen years because of defects such as droopy ears, children in preschools and schools are often the objects of ridicule, which may lead to various psychological problems. However, otoplasty can make a grown man, and - number of risks associated with the operation does not increase depending on the age of the patient.


What you should know before surgery

Before making a final decision on whether to do otoplasty or not, must take into account the following information:

  • To achieve perfect symmetry with the help of otoplasty is almost impossible. Ears on the nature of any person are more or less different, and even after operation, they will not be exactly the same;
  • Even if a significant defect have only one ear, the operation will be performed on both ears, the result was the most harmonious;
  • Be sure to consider your work schedule, choosing a time for the operation. Please note that the postoperative recovery is not always smooth, and can take more time than originally anticipated;
  • Smokers have an increased risk of complications associated with surgery. It is highly recommended to stop smoking for a few weeks before the otoplasty.


How to find a good specialist

If you want to make yourself or your child otoplasty, it is best to contact your family doctor with a request to advise you on a good plastic surgeon. During the initial consultation with a surgeon ask him how long and often it does otoplasty, ask him a photograph showing the results of operations. The richer the experience of your doctor's conduct was such operations, the greater the likelihood that you will be satisfied with the results of otoplasty.


Medical examination before surgery

Before you decide whether you can do otoplasty patient, the doctor will do an exam and study the history of the patient. He needs to be aware of any previously transferred diseases and surgery (any important details, including what type of anesthetic was used). All this will help to assess the risk of postoperative complications - it is important that the patient is aware of all the risks before he decides whether he needs surgery.

The doctor needs to know about any medications, vitamin supplements or herbs you are currently taking or have taken recently. Report any medications, including OTC - remember that when it comes to health, it is important any information. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to any medication, be sure to tell your doctor.

Exactly follow all the doctor's instructions on preparing for surgery - change doses of drugs, if needed, do not eat or drink in the morning before surgery, and so on.



On average, surgery to correct the ear lasts from one to three hours - the duration depends on exactly what the surgeon will fix the defects. Adult patients otoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia, in addition to that used sedatives, but some people prefer general anesthesia. Otoplasty children in most cases done under general anesthesia.

In general, the operation can be divided into several stages:

  • The surgeon makes an incision of the skin behind the ear to get access to the cartilage;
  • The excess tissue is removed, or changed its shape, depending on the defect;
  • The incision was sutured.

Details of the operation depends on the individual patient and to paint them all in a short article is impossible.


Complications of otoplasty

Immediately after the surgery, the patient may feel nausea, pain and general discomfort. In addition, swelling and bruising in the area of ​​the ears are a common consequence of otoplasty.

In rare cases may be related to otoplasty following complications:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthetic (it happens very rarely, and even more rarely results in death of the patient - it is because of this risk, your doctor needs to know about allergies to any medications before surgery);
  • The formation of blood clots, which in rare cases can lead to deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and other dangerous violations;
  • Infection of cartilage, which may result in the formation of large scars;
  • Hematoma of the ear and its subsequent deformation;
  • Necrosis of the tissues in the joint;
  • The need for additional operations to treat complications.


Recovery after surgery

Within one to two weeks after surgery patients need to wear a bandage, which can cause considerable discomfort. It can not shoot at night, which is why some patients have problems with sleep.

Pain - usually mild or moderate - may persist for several weeks after the otoplasty.

In the postoperative period to avoid any injury to the ear. Therefore, we do not engage in any contact sports for as long as you do not allow the doctor.

When severe pain, bleeding, or any unusual symptoms should immediately contact the surgeon.

In most cases, after otoplasty patients are only small scars behind the ears, which for about eighteen months will become increasingly pale - they will not disappear completely, but will be virtually unnoticeable.

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