professional to create a new image of women on the eve of the meeting
 You have spent many hours in the office, preparing for the big event in your career: to some meeting or presentation, which will bring you praise, or even promotion. When you have less than 24 hours before the event, take the time to yourself to look and feel great and be confident when all eyes will be looking at you. Try these tricks to restore beauty and you can bring delight of his colleagues, radiating energy and brilliance. Be prepared for success.

You exhausted itself, preparing for an important presentation and coaching his speech to the decisive meeting your destiny, and now you can not sleep, and quite exhausted. How can you favorable impression How to make a good first impression: a work on the  How to make a good first impression: a work on the
 When you do not look and feel? In this article you will learn how to carve out a little time to pamper and prepare your mind and body to an important event. After taking a rest, and resorted to a little secret beauty Ten-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details  Ten-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details
   by professionals, you will be able to win any situation.

 Professional creation of a new image of women on the eve of the meeting

The night before preparations

  • Let yourself shine. You spend a lot more time at the office? Stress and dry air can leave their mark on your skin, making your complexion dull and dehydrated. You can use a moisturizing mask with enzymes, which reduces the redness of the skin and wrinkles, and removes dead skin cells. As a result, your skin will be soft, balanced and radiant. And if you have a tendency to rashes during times of stress, try a cleansing mask based on the clay to remove dirt on the skin and radiant skin show, which has not been seen for weeks.
  • Make manicure. Uneven nails and chipped nail polish - a major mistake when it comes to enter into cooperation and shaking hands professionals. Remember the rules of conduct at work and do yourself a manicure with delicate subtle shades of nail polish. To start trim the nails short and file off the edges to avoid leaving puffs on the tights, you are going to wear on the day of the presentation. Apply a coat of clear lacquer to impart density and shine, as well as remove any stains with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to your nails look neat and clean.

Promotion: If you have a little extra time, go for a massage. We know that 45 minutes of massage can reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, and also stimulates the immune system, which, in turn, will not give you up in the morning with a cold, when you need to be in shape. You can also relieve stress, do yourself a mini massage at home, using a soothing lotion. Concentrate pressure points such as fingertips, do not forget also about the head and neck.

 Professional creation of a new image of women on the eve of the meeting

Morning on the eve of preparations

  • Forget about the swelling. Did you sleep well at night, but still under the eyes bags? Apply on the skin under the eyes cooling cream against swelling that will revitalize delicate area of ​​skin and eliminate dark circles. Ensure skin and feel refreshed and toned.
  • Take a refreshing dip. Take advantage of time-tested tricks that actors use to look rested and alert. Put a little concealer to the inner corners of your eyes to emphasize the line of shadows and give a vibrant glow. When you are finished applying makeup, sprinkle the face of a special spray to prevent paint smudge, crease or fade prematurely.
  • Cheer up with the help of flavors. Help yourself with the help of life-giving concentrate aromatherapy. Apply a bit of citrus or peppermint oil on the area of ​​the pulse on the arm, or cheer up a little, using the scent of grapefruit. Just try to put these flavors at the beginning of the day that they were too strong, you will be close to their colleagues.

Promotion: For a couple of minutes before the meeting, make a break for meditation Meditation and women's health  Meditation and women's health
 To gather his thoughts. Focus on your breathing, and gradually relax your muscles somewhere in a quiet environment to maximize the completeness of mind.

Properly prepare and pointing beauty, you will feel easy when you will be time to act. And while your talent and hard work can bring success to your career, these beauty secrets to help you look more confident your professional move.

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