Recipes with strawberries
 Vivid color, strong aroma and an unforgettable taste of strawberries make one of the most popular and beloved berries in the world. Recipes with strawberries differ a surprising variety - with this sweet berry cook original salads and hot dishes, delicious desserts and delicious pastries, jam fragrant and fine drinks.

 Recipes with strawberries: summer mood

Benefits and harms of strawberries

Excellent taste - not only the dignity of strawberries. This berry contains a complex of vitamins and minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, copper, folic acid and vitamin C. Strawberry and Rich in antioxidants, slowing down the process of aging. It is no accident that the berry is not only eat, but also used for the manufacture of cosmetics. Masks from fresh strawberries bleach well, tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

Strawberry is used in folk medicine. For example, the infusion of strawberry leaves used as a styptic, and the infusion of fresh berries used as a diaphoretic and diuretic, as well as for rinsing with sore throat. Useful strawberries with anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Scientists suggest that some organic acids contained in strawberries help reduce the harm caused by the smoker. Therefore, those who smoke, should eat more strawberries.

These red berries help to reduce blood sugar and help to organize the work of the liver and kidneys. Strawberry strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of blood vessels and helps to overcome many gastrointestinal diseases.

Strawberry cleanses the body and helps get rid of edema and solve the problem of constipation, helps to speed up metabolism. This calorie sweet berries are relatively low, which makes the strawberries indispensable component of many diets for weight loss. Strawberry fasting days effective and easily tolerated by the body, and strawberry diet in contrast to many other diets are extremely tasty.

At the same time, you can not eat strawberries all.

Thus, patients with gastritis or ulcer disease should eat berries with caution because the small strawberry seeds can irritate the stomach. Not recommended Strawberry and those who suffer from diseases of the joints. Precautions should have strawberries people taking medication to lower high blood pressure.

Bright red berries is a powerful allergen, so the strawberries do not give small children. Pregnant and lactating women should not be abused as strawberries, especially if in the family there were cases of food allergies.

 Recipes with strawberries: summer mood

To the dish turned out delicious strawberry

 Recipes with strawberries
 There are more than a hundred varieties of strawberry, and not all varieties of berries are equally tasty. Unfortunately, the gorgeous appearance of strawberries are not always indicative of its excellent taste - large glossy berries are often immature and tasteless. But such a strawberry looks extremely attractive and can be used for decoration of dishes Decoration of dishes: a spectacular submission  Decoration of dishes: a spectacular submission

It is best not to choose strawberries eyes and nose - a strong flavor indicates that the berries are fully ripe. If the berries are soft, which means that overripe strawberry. Overripe strawberries sweet taste different, but poorly stored and quickly becomes limp, so it is advisable to use it immediately after purchase. If this is not possible, then washed and peeled berries must fill with sugar and marinate in alcohol.

Strawberry - berry sweet, it must be handled very carefully. For transport, it is desirable to use a flat basket and try to protect the berries from damage. House strawberries should be immediately sorted out, removing rotten and lingering fruit.

It is best to wash the strawberries in a large container, gently washing the berries with sand and dirt. A strong jet of water can damage the delicate berries. After washing the berries can be carefully wet towel. Washed strawberries are not stored - it must be immediately cleaned from the stalks and use for cooking or billets. For compotes, jams and many desserts, use strong berries, soft and watery and can be turned into mashed potatoes, boil them in jams or to make strawberry mousse foundation.

 Recipes with strawberries: summer mood

Strawberries in cooking

 Recipes with strawberries
 Of course, all accustomed to seeing in the composition of strawberry dessert or as jam. However, creative chefs constantly coming up with something new, combining seemingly incongruous products. Oddly enough, this results in not only original, but also delicious dishes such as a salad of strawberries with mozzarella cheese and fresh cucumber. The berries make a fragrant and colorful sauces that are suitable for grilled fish or baked chicken. These dishes look very decorative and perfect for the holiday table.

Fresh berries are often pickled in alcohol, or orange juice. This marinated strawberries is good as part of salads and desserts. At the same time used for pickling liquor becomes refined strawberry flavor and is perfect for cocktails.

Most children adore soft strawberry smoothies. Easy to prepare, these refreshing beverages based on milk reminiscent of the summer, even in winter.

And yet tasty way to prepare strawberry dessert. Recipes such a lot of desserts - from a simple combination of strawberries with whipped cream pastry to such works of art as a multi-storey strawberry cake. Strawberries not only it blends perfectly with the cream, and sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Cottage cheese or yogurt, and a variety of confectionery creams. Good strawberries and chocolate, this berry is perfect for making chocolate fondue. Strawberry blends with different fruits and berries: bananas, apples, pears, oranges, raspberries, blueberries.

From strawberries cooked jams, preserves, marmalades, jams and candied fruits. For such preparations are best used dense fragrant berries.

Maria Bykov

 Recipes with strawberries: summer mood

 Woman with strawberries
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 Chocolate cake with strawberries
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 Sabayon with strawberries
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 Strawberry and chocolate candies
  • Strawberry and chocolate candies
 Merengovy cake with strawberries
  • Merengovy cake with strawberries
 Ducts with strawberry jam
  • Ducts with strawberry jam
 Strawberry tartare
  • Strawberry tartare
 Chocolate and strawberry millefeuille
  • Chocolate and strawberry millefeuille
 Dessert with strawberries and Quinoa
  • Dessert with strawberries and Quinoa
 Dynno-strawberry salad
  • Dynno-strawberry salad
 Upside down strawberry cake
  • Upside down strawberry cake
 Tartlets with strawberries, mascarpone and green lemon
  • Tartlets with strawberries, mascarpone and green lemon
 Delicate chocolate and strawberry mousse
  • Delicate chocolate and strawberry mousse
 Chocolate and strawberry islands
  • Chocolate and strawberry islands
 Vanilla strawberry cake
  • Vanilla strawberry cake
 Muffins with strawberries and pistachios
  • Muffins with strawberries and pistachios
 Strawberry and rhubarb tart with mint
  • Strawberry and rhubarb tart with mint
 Strawberry mousse in a chocolate-based
  • Strawberry mousse in a chocolate-based
1 2
 Strawberry cake rolls
  • Strawberry cake rolls
 Italian strawberry cake
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 Subtle strawberry tartlets with vanilla mascarpone
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 Strawberry trilogy
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 Strawberry Cheesecake
  • Strawberry Cheesecake
 Verriny with strawberries, cream and white chocolate
  • Verriny with strawberries, cream and white chocolate
 Tartlets with strawberry and pistachios
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 Vanilla strawberry dessert
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 Jam of rhubarb and strawberries with vanilla
  • Jam of rhubarb and strawberries with vanilla Vanilla: sweet tenderness  Vanilla: sweet tenderness
 Strawberry sorbet
  • Strawberry sorbet
 Squares with strawberries and pistachios
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 Bavarian cake with strawberries and mango
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 Strawberry and apple verriny
  • Strawberry and apple verriny
 Muffins with strawberry jam
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 Crisp dessert with strawberries and rhubarb
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 Strawberry Shortcake
  • Strawberry Shortcake
 Bavarian cake with strawberries and rhubarb
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