• Removal of warts - possible methods
  • Treatment

 treatment of warts

Treatment of warts

Warts - is for the most part quite harmless growths, but they can significantly alter the appearance, especially if located in a prominent place at the Lyceum or hands. It would seem, well, that is to remove a wart yourself without any hassle? It turns out, do it in any case is not recommended.


Warts and their causes

Warts are benign epithelial (covering of fabrics) tumors of viral origin. Call them human papilloma virus. The infection is transmitted through the hands of the patient, and household items. Under the action of the human papilloma virus expand the outer layers of the skin (epithelium) and increased cornification cells begins. The disease usually develops in a weakened organism with reduced immunity, aided by fatigue, trauma, frequent colds, chronic diseases, excessive sweating, which is often accompanied by nervous disorders and so on.

Warts are vulgar, plantar, flat and pointed. If the wart is on the wrong place and is constantly injured, then over time it can turn into a malignant tumor.


General treatment of warts

Should I treat warts? Certainly, it is necessary, since they can spread to healthy skin and spread to other people. Since warts appear only in weakening the body's defenses, then, a general treatment, which is to strengthen the nervous system, immune system, the appointment of antiviral treatment and hardening of the body.

General treatment of warts is generally used when a lot of them and they have a tendency to spread. In this case, treatment should start with a visit to the doctor-immunologist and blood (immunogram). Our immunity - a very complicated system, which consists of a series of interconnected links. In the immunological be seen which of these units - "weak." After that, selected immunocorrectors which precisely affect the immune system.

But it is also important and common activities to strengthen the immune system, especially important for children and teenagers, who almost always have any problems with immunity. General measures include the mode of the day (gives a sense of confidence and security), the daily exposure to fresh air at least three hours, exercise, full, rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and mineral nutrition, it is necessary for proper metabolism, whereby the cells are formed in our body, including the cells of the immune system.

General treatment also require the warts that appear on the background of the local circulatory disorders in diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 , Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels  Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels
   and some other diseases. In such a case, a treatment of circulatory disorders in conjunction with treating underlying disease.

When plantar warts orthopedic consultation is required, and if necessary - correction of the feet, as the violation of the provisions of the stop (for example, flat feet) can maintain conditions for the spread of warts.


Local treatment of warts

Local treatment of warts is advantageously carried out when they are little. But it also happens that when a large number of warts removal of one or more of the greatest results in the disappearance of others.

Warts are removed by various surgical methods, and only in the hospital. Remove warts themselves very dangerous due to the fact that, first, you can make an infection in the wound, and then begin purulent process, and secondly, incorrect removal of the wart could degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Surgical methods for wart removal include:

  • surgical removal with a scalpel; Most often, this method is used when multiple warts at a fairly limited area of ​​the skin, in which case the warts are excised together with the skin, and then superimposed cosmetic seams (scar is small);
  • electrocoagulation - removal of warts using an electric current; while wart tissue is destroyed, and the human papilloma viruses are killed; on-site removal is a small crust, which then no longer alone;
  • cryosurgery - removal of the warts with liquid nitrogen, which leads to a deep freezing cells; the impact on the site in a few hours produced a vial of clear content (in any case do not open!), which eventually shrinks into crust; crust disappears, leaving no scar;
  • laser removal of warts; wherein a vaporization occurs exposure of tumor cells; the procedure is painless, healing - fast;
  • radio wave removal of warts; It is the most modern technique, faster and more effective than laser removal.

Removal of warts using strong acids is now almost does not apply, because it gives a lot of complications and does not prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Traditional methods of removing warts using all sorts of methods of applied magic, which is quite right to exist, as the immune system depends largely on the condition of the nervous system, and if the patient has a strong belief that the method of treatment will help him, his immune system will always come to help.

Galina Romanenko

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