product mix guarantee of healthy food
 Fried potatoes with a chop, boiled eggs and toast, fruit cake - a traditional combination products have long been familiar breakfast and lunch does not really provide the person the necessary energy during the day, but rather, for life deprived of the necessary forces. The combination of products has become a separate branch of science that studies the process of combination of different food ingredients - carbohydrates, fats, proteins - and use them only in such combinations that facilitate the digestive process.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

The combination of products and digestion

Proper digestion plays a key role in the cleavage products and the production of useful substances from used by man in food products. Various enzymes produced by the digestive system responsible for the cleavage of different types of foods having an acidic or alkaline origin.

The right combination of products plays a key role in the overall digestion of food, taking into account the characteristics of different enzymes produced by the digestive system and the different times required for the digestion of different ingredients. The concept of the right mix of products requires an understanding of the biochemical processes of digestion and provides two basic rules. First, high-protein foods require an acidic environment to complete digestion. Secondly, carbohydrates - sugar, fruit, starch - cleaved in an alkaline medium.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

Incorrect combination of products and its impact on health

Improper use of a combination of products and leads to a system that produces digestive enzymes are not able to function effectively. This, in turn, leads to insufficient food cleavage, part of which remains in the gut, resulting in cultivating harmful bacteria, viruses and even causing the formation of cancer cells.

Incomplete cleavage and digestion leads to a variety of problems with the digestive system - from the formation of gas and abdominal pain and ending with nutritional deficiencies. In special cases may develop unpleasant disease - chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and even to some degree of obesity.

The specificity of biochemical processes responsible for the correct and complete digestion of food, is simple enough. So, for example, by eating fruits and proteins at the same time the digestive system produces a right and acidic and alkaline enzymes that result cancel each other out, slowing down the process of digestion of food. As a result, it accumulates in the stomach unsplit food, which leads to an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

Rules of combination products

It is enough to observe a few simple rules of combination products in order to minimize the harmful effects of insufficient digestion.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet


Fruits can not be combined with any other food: while for complete digestion of fruit digestive system requires a very short time, other foods are digested much longer. Eating fruits with other foods can lead to incomplete breakdown of food and cause the formation of gases and bloating Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?

  • Fruits with high concentration of acids (grapefruit, pineapple, strawberries) can not be combined with fruits high in sugar - bananas, raisins, dates.
  • Melon and watermelon, which are quickly digested, can not be eaten with other fruits.
  • Fruit salad useful only if the ingredients are properly matched, and the lettuce is used only to main courses, rather than after, or simultaneously.
  • Fruits are best consumed on an empty stomach.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet


  • Foods high in protein - red meat, pork Pork - meat guide  Pork - meat guide
 , Lamb - can not be combined with starch or complex carbohydrates, because their splitting require different enzymes and different times of the digestive system.
  • Foods high in protein can not be combined with dairy products - such as milk.
  • It is best not to eat a combination of different proteins, and proteins are of one type.
  • Best of all proteins are combined with herbs or vegetables with a minimum starch content - carrots, onions, leeks.
  • You can not combine proteins with products containing acid - such as tomatoes or eggs. Acid contained in foods, slows down the production of acid enzymes necessary for proper digestion of proteins.
  • You can not use both nuts and foods high in protein, as the nuts have a very high fat content.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

The basic rules of food

  • From eating dessert after a "heavy" food better be, because it takes longer to digest.
  • Liquids should be consumed either one hour before or one hour after a meal - liquid dilutes the enzymes produced by the digestive system, thereby slowing down the process of digestion.
  • Between the food needed a break, at least an hour, which allows the body to fully digest the previous meal.
  • It is necessary to avoid the use of a combination of three different product groups.
  • Fats and oils essentially slow down the process of digestion, so their content in the finished dish you want to restrict.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

The combination of products and slimming

Many experts believe that the concept of the right combination of products helps fight obesity by full digestion. Efficient operation of the digestive system promotes the absorption of essential nutrients, while eliminating the excess calories and harmful bacteria. Based on the concept of the right mix of products was developed by several different diets.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

Hay Diet

Diet was named in honor of Dr. William Hay, who developed her concept back in 1920. The diet is based on the theory that takes into account the biochemical laws of the digestion process, and involves the use of separate different types of products.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

Beverly Hills Diet

Designed Judy Meyzel, dietny plan includes a separate time-eating proteins and carbohydrates, and lasts for six weeks.

 The combination of products: the guarantee of a healthy diet

Suzanne Somers Diet

Diet was designed by the famous American nutritionist and TV presenter Suzanne Somers and involves limiting consumption of carbohydrates, and is mainly focused on a separate feed Separate food  Separate food

Most of all diets based on the concept of the right combination of products implies increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, the source of many nutrients.

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