 It is not possible to visit the Czech Republic and never once try dumplings. Without these small rolls (or, depending on the type of dumplings, hefty bars) does not do any one meal a Czech. Sweet and salty dough or potatoes, with or without stuffing - dumplings are an integral part of a Czech meal, and hence the national culture.


Dumplings - explorer and a warrior

 Which has become a real symbol of Czech cuisine dumplings, oddly enough, it was not invented in the Czech Republic. According to historians cooking dumplings first («knodel») have been prepared in Germany. Similar dishes exist in different national cuisines. Slovak and Hungarian "dumplings" are almost identical to the Czech dumplings, the only difference is the name. The closest "relatives" dumplings - it's probably a Ukrainian dumplings. Russian dumplings Dumplings - the card of Russia  Dumplings - the card of Russia
 , Italian pasta, Asian dumplings Manti: big "brothers" dumplings  Manti: big "brothers" dumplings
   and other articles of cooked dough dumplings also have a lot in common.

Interestingly, Jan Hus, who fought for the purity of the Czech language, objected to the name of the new German cuisine. But people used to call dumplings just so and not otherwise, why the efforts of the Czech reformer failed. Only in East Moravia stuck Czech name "bump."

Interestingly, in Bavaria for this savory meat treated with much more respect than in the Czech Republic. Czechs are happy to eat dumplings, the Bavarians as they dedicate songs and sayings, poems and legends. For example, one of the legends says that defenders Deggendorf defended by Hussite troops, aptly throwing enemies dumplings. It is unlikely that this has caused serious damage to the Hussites, but the impression they made an indelible: deciding that it makes no sense to besiege the castle, where the defenders can not afford to throw away food, they retreated.

And in 1967, a resident of the suburb of Munich, tired of the noise of planes flying over his house, he remembered that the important role played dumplings in the battles in the past few years, and decided to use the experience of their ancestors. He fashioned a thrower and shot dried dumplings in airplanes. History is silent, what ended the battle for the hapless lovers of peace, but the flight over the city is really then become smaller.


Portrait of a Hero

 Describe a typical dumplings is not so simple: they are too different. Typically, the dumplings prepared in the form of balls of average size, which is boiled or steamed in water or large rolls, which is boiled for a couple of slices and slice. Cut slices of dumplings - a traditional side dish to meat dishes with rich sauces. In the old days, dumplings were served to the table as a main dish. They were considered food of the poor: inexpensive, but very satisfying and calorie. On holidays dumplings stuffed with meat, on ordinary days just served with different sauces.

Dumplings in the form of balls is usually prepared with a stuffing - meat, vegetable or sweet. For example, popular potato dumplings stuffed with cabbage and bread dumplings stuffed with fruit or berries.

 Usually dumplings - a flour dish, which is made from crackers (stale bread) in a mixture of eggs, milk and flour. Sometimes the test yeast is added, sometimes without them. Cooked in water or steamed dumplings replaces both garnish and bread.

Often, as a basis for not acting dumplings flour products, and potatoes. The mashed potatoes add the eggs, flour, semolina, and sometimes biscuits and dumplings mold. Interestingly, potato dumplings are often dessert. Such, for example, dumplings with plums: in the dough shell hides a whole plum, which is inserted into a piece of bone in place of refined sugar. These dumplings are usually crumble in sugar and cinnamon.


Secrets of cooking

 Single dumplings recipe does not exist: it is the national dish, and therefore leaves the possibility to experiment. No stale bread? It does not matter, fit and breadcrumbs, and semolina, and flour, and raw potatoes, and mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, and leftovers. The main thing is a good mix all the ingredients to prepare one smooth dough, to which is added an egg to a greater viscosity.

Spices are used sparingly. If dumplings are served as a garnish, it can be a little salt the dough, add the pepper, cumin, other favorite seasonings. For sweet dumplings often add cinnamon or vanilla sugar.

Dumplings made of soft dough previously cooked in a napkin, which was hung in a pot over boiling water. Today, you can just cook dumplings steamed. And if the blind small balls and add them to the egg, there is a chance that the dumplings will not fall apart and when cooking in boiling water. So often cooked sweet dumplings.

There must necessarily hot dumplings. Spicy meat sauce, tomato sauce or melted butter with sugar and cinnamon (for sweet varieties) will be the perfect complement to the dish.


Not only the taste but also calories

Lots of bread, meat, fat and beer - the majority of Czech cuisine can hardly be called healthy. And if before the hostess tried to feed a family posytnee, pokaloriynee, today the priorities have changed: in the trend beneficial foods that contain a minimum of calories. Dumplings to such savory meat is clearly not relevant. Made of bread, flour and potatoes, generously flavored with butter or bacon, dumplings, even without fillings contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is the Czech national dish is quite hard to digest. To improve digestion dumplings recommend Czechs drink their fresh beer.

Does this mean you have to abandon all dumplings? Of course not. Just do not abuse this dish, I have it in too large quantities and often. But sometimes it is necessary to replace the boring side dishes dumplings and indulge in original flavors.

Maria Bykov

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