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 Baska - a broad frill or folds at the waist, which usually adorn the skirt cut "sun- flared". The role of the Basques is to emphasize the curves of the female body, visually make the waist thinner, and hip - fuller. Baska was very popular in the 1940s and 1950s. Baska pleasant variety ascetic and strict military fashion. After World War II Basque migrated from Europe to America, where firmly established in the wardrobe of American housewives.

Recently, the word "Basque" has become more common on the pages of fashion magazines. According to experts, this mode will last at least until the autumn-winter 2012. All of the designer on the catwalk to the actress on the red carpet, paid tribute to this trend. It sounds a little strange, but in fact the Basque appeared on the map of fashion long ago.

In 1947, Christian Dior unveiled a new elegant, feminine, romantic fashion, creating the image of the "ideal woman" with a thin waist, shoulders frail, delicate hips. For a New Look characterized by specific forms of models (three basic silhouette, "a klesheny" (A), "oval" (X) "direct" (H)) and the careful selection of accessories. Dior introduced the fashion corsets Waist waist to 50 cm, has revived the use of crinoline and a narrow adjoining bodice. In tailoring of Dior dresses she spent nine to seventy-two meters of fabric, some of them they weighed up to thirty kilograms. While Basque was a wide frill at the waist. In fact, the Basque Country and has nothing but a wide frill at the waist, sometimes gathered into folds and asymmetric cut. Baska has a purely decorative function.

 Baska - history and modern fashion accessory

Excess or necessity

 Excess so beautiful and tempting, although it is assumed that the excesses are no better than lack of .  However, women of the 1940s and 1950s, when the Basque experienced a first surge of popularity, thought differently - exhausted by the privations of the war, tired of gray uniforms and economy, they enthusiastically accepted the proposed Dior style exaggerated femininity, with all of its redundancy and impractical .  At least, the model of the Parisian fashion house Janine Pons would agree with this statement .  Jeanine was the model of the Parisian designer Jacques Fath .  Jeanine loved watching as Fat sew their clothes, using rolls of fabric: wide fluttering skirts, curvy dresses with flounces wave suits Basques .  The excess tissue attached clothes modeled Fathom, volume and dynamics .  However, the Germans occupied Paris was suffering from an acute shortage of tissues .  Even in 1941, the occupation authorities in France have introduced food rationing card and on the textile and clothing .  In February 1941 it was taken the first steps to control use of the fabric in the garment factories, in April 1942 - measures to reduce costs in the production of clothing materials: were limited to the length of skirts and pants width prohibited superfluous details (such as flaps on the trousers) .  Moreover, the German authorities confiscated stocks of materials in French factories and shipped them to Germany or forced to perform German military orders .  During the occupation of France by Germany, most stocks of skin were used to sew military footwear .  Footwear for civilians stitching was almost out of nothing, so in the course were old tires, rubber, cellophane, felt and hemp rope iraffii .

Acute shortage of materials for the production of clothing and footwear was felt even after the war .  Austerity first post-war years was reflected in clothes .  In 1946, when Janine Pons was leaving from Paris to the United States, where it is expected to contract by Lancome, she could not find a pair of stockings and was able to take only shoes .  In such circumstances, to spend precious fabric to create parts of clothing that does not perform any functions and were almost useless, wasteful, and it was folly (if not a crime) .  However, the new fashion Parisian relished the time .  The war could not break the pride of Paris and its inhabitants love to beautiful clothes that emphasized the House of Dior fashion generous use of luxurious fabrics .  In fact, shapeless clothes that completely lost curves of the female figure, or men's clothing, which had to carry the majority of women during the war, did not look too aesthetically pleasing .  It was a tribute to the need .  In 1939, Coco Chanel closed her showroom in the street Cambon, and the rest of their stores, because of the fact that the Second World War .  Women are no longer interested in beautiful clothes, they had more important concerns .  Most Parisians dressed in a neutral style; they were forced to play the role of men and dress appropriately .  Baska brightened this difficult time .  Surplus symbolizes prosperity and confidence in the future .  Completeness (ie, the excess of the body) in the right places is a comfortable full life .  The woman must have chest and hip - the image of the ideal woman has long existed .  This is one of the canons of classical beauty .  Even in ancient Greece, women wore clothes decorated with Basque - she chastely hides a provocative area of ​​the female body, and at the same time preserves and emphasizes the natural silhouette .

 Baska - history and modern fashion accessory

The success of the enterprise

 Jacques Fath was able to meet the main psychological need of women - to be beautiful. Modeled they suit with Basques emphasized the smooth transition from the waist to the hips. Especially Fat bestowed bright colors How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips
 . His costume could be recognized by the characteristic collar. Christian Dior strongly denied that Fath had an influence on his work. However, the original collar Fata and skirts Basques have a lot in common with the models from the first collection of clothes from Christian Dior, which he submitted in February 1947. This collection is called "Line Corolla", but became better known as the New Look. Famous diorovsky suit "Bar", consisting of a short close fitting white jacket and black skirt flared, very similar to the suit, modeled Jacques Fathom. At that time, Basque was almost the only feminine adornment otherwise neutral suit. Often it is Basque jacket Trendy jacket: what to wear to look stylish  Trendy jacket: what to wear to look stylish
   female costume was distinguished from the male. However, this situation will soon change. In 1959, another legendary couturier Cristobal Balansiaga Spaniard, presented to the public for an evening dress with Basques Dresses with Basques - like what to wear  Dresses with Basques - like what to wear
 . Since then began to sew coats, cocoons with Basques, which create the effect of a second skirt, falling on top of pencil skirts and occasionally closing it by a third. Particularly impressive this ensemble appeared in conjunction with long gloves to match.

 Baska - history and modern fashion accessory

New clothes housewives

Baska enjoyed success not only in Europe. In the United States, too, fell in love with her, but at a slightly different reason. Journals early fifties of the last century can be seen promotional shots with excellent housewives. Models were dressed in costumes imitating the new style proposed by Christian Dior. Baska they fell just below and almost completely hid the hip. In the picture next to the beautiful housewife had fresh fruit and a bottle of Coca-Cola. It was an elaborate advertising campaign demonstiruyuschaya new style of women's clothing.

After the Second World War, the American society back to traditional values, and comes to the fore the family. The women returned to the kitchen and the bedroom, while continuing to play their role otvedennnuyu wife and homemaker. Taking care of her husband and children and taking care of the house - and this is the main mission of the highest calling a woman. Many women deliberately sought to ensure that a good marriage and become a housewife. Any behavior not befitting a woman, for example, interest in politics or the refusal to do housework, it was considered unacceptable.

Fashion 1950 is now regarded as the epitome of femininity and romanticism .  In contrast to the strict asexual and costumes of the 1940s, the costumes of the 1950s followed the aesthetic canons of the French fashion .  They underlined the fragile femininity: long skirt almost to the ankle (either narrow or wide and lush); soft shoulder line; sleeve- "kimono"; thin waist; high heels; long gloves; spectacular and contrasting accessories .  These cute features preserved even in the clothes of working women .  Basques decorated jackets, adding charm pencil skirt .  Hats decorated with veil and feathers - another feminine accent surrounding the woman an aura of inaccessibility and mystery .  All these charming details create a seductive image of a woman-flower - a sharp contrast to the forced simplicity and rigor fashion 1940 .  While Christian Dior in the 1950s .  He presented a wide klesheny (A-type) and the line (H-shaped) silhouettes, classic still considered an oval silhouette ("hourglass") .  Subsequently, many designers used this iconic images .

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