the bride's bouquet
 Bridal Bouquet - accessory is not less important than shoes and veil. And now his importance even more, because the shoes more often hidden under a long skirt and veil on women refuse. And then comes the high point of the bouquet, which is bright floral flame "burning" in the hands of the bride. Of course, when choosing a wedding bouquet should not be guided by the inspiration of the banal. It must necessarily be in harmony with the dress, and in the past few years, clearly identified trends related to wedding bouquets. That is, each year in fashion includes its different styles, it is also necessary to pay attention.

 Bridal bouquet: History and Today

The story of the bride's bouquet

Of course, there were flowers in the hands of the girls who go down the aisle, not today or even yesterday. This tradition of many centuries, even millennia, and over time it gradually modified.

The Celts, ancient Greeks and Romans bride should wear a neck likeness necklace, which was not made up of the decorations and flower. At its heart are aromatic herbs, garlic shoots - plants that have a strong odor, which were supposed to protect the newly formed family from the influence of evil spirits. This custom has survived many centuries, but after a while fragrant necklace from her neck came down in the form of a bouquet in hands of the bride. It still was fragrant herbs that are also guarded by supernatural forces.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

In the European tradition, the bride's bouquet radically changed its meaning in England during the Victorian era. On the marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, the first grass were replaced by fresh flowers, among which there were especially many marigolds. In addition to flowers in the bride's bouquet necessarily present and past fragrant plants, such as fennel was optional. His youth had to eat more to rekindle the flame of passion (dill still considered an aphrodisiac which enhances sexual desire of both sexes). Then the choice of colors for the wedding bouquet began to acquire more distinct symbolic features, it appeared less and less random colors and increasingly - flowers, letters that symbolize love, passion, affection.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

In today's wedding, the bride usually chooses a bunch of visual appeal, but certainly there are girls who appreciate the symbolic significance of colors and shades, trying, besides, select them along to her.

 Bridal bouquet: History and Today

Throwing the bouquet - why?

The tradition of the bride throwing a bouquet into the crowd of unmarried girlfriends originated long ago. In the fourteenth century in Europe began to practice very barbaric custom: the bride is literally stripped away, who wanted to get a piece of her outfit that promises happiness and prosperity. This practice has existed for some time, until, finally, the bride decided not to preserve the integrity of their beautiful dresses, and instead began to throw flowers. And the tradition caught superbly by making a wedding bouquet symbol of the future of family happiness. Later it became what everyone knows it is now: who is unmarried girlfriends catch the bouquet will be the next bride.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

Not all girls are willing to part with her beautiful bouquet, which for them can be a symbol of marital bonds. Therefore, more and more often bought for the wedding bride two bouquets - one for himself, as a wedding accessory, the other - for the thirsty marriage girlfriends. The latter is usually more modest and miniature and certainly less costly.

 Bridal bouquet: History and Today

How to choose a bridal bouquet

As with choosing any other wedding accessories kit should be guided by personal taste, which is to balance common sense and the laws of combinations and fashion trends. Balance all this is not hard, because you do not have to make yourself a bouquet - the choice of ready-made bouquets, florists made up with experience, is incredibly broad.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

Pick a style to the style of the bouquet and wedding dress. If your celebration will be held in all the classical canons, better to stay in the pastel shades, choose the colors, the usual wedding, white and pink - roses, lilies, ranunkulyusy, peonies. Exotic bouquets are not forbidden, but remember that the more attention draw flowers in hands of the bride, the less it gets the rest. Do not take extravagant bouquet, if the image of the bride already has something audacious, eye-catching.

 Bridal bouquet: History and Today

Blooming wedding image

Wedding dress, recently appearing on the catwalk, inspired to create beautiful wedding bouquets, as well as manicure, suitable to it in color.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

When the designer Oscar de la Renta showed his fabulous spring wedding collection 2013, bouquets and bold light blue nail polish shades have not gone unnoticed, even in such details as the expressive blue and lush tulle ruffles.

 the bride's bouquet
  the bride's bouquet

It was not quite the usual holiday wedding fashion, which has shown how it can be refined and inspired florists to create unusual wedding bouquets. They can include different shades of rose garden, orchids, lilies, azaleas and other flowers, picking up manicure nail playful colors - hot pink, citrus yellow, vibrant lavender.

 the bride's bouquet

Brides usually stick to traditions, but the fashion and beauty inspiration for new ideas. Increasingly bride inclined to bold choice of wedding bouquets that look bright and unique. This bouquet stands out among the others and not like a bunch of other brides. The brighter the color, the exotic image.

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