Children's hats: charm the eyes
   Dressing the baby can not be imagined without the charming children's hats, and many parents are so much under their charm that each season to acquire his child from a few beautiful and comfortable headgear. For toddlers manufacturers not only offer a variety of interpretations of traditional panama and cap, but stylized to "infantile" way of the adult models range - baseball caps, caps, caps, hats Women's Hat: how to make the right choice  Women's Hat: how to make the right choice
   and much more.

All children's hats can be divided into winter, demi-season and summer. The most optimal model of children's headgear designed for cold or transition seasons, is considered to be molded structure that provides a snug fit to the head cap and do not let the cold air. They often use a variety of fasteners, laces and rubber tabs that let you adjust the size of hats right on the baby's head circumference. In addition, the traditional understanding of children's hat must have qualities such as the ability to protect the baby from wind and precipitation and in parallel to ensure proper temperature control.

High-quality children's hats are made of hypoallergenic materials. Ideally, if the lining on this headdress Headgear: the variety of fashion accessories  Headgear: the variety of fashion accessories
   It is made of cotton and without rough joints that can abrade the head. Winter, spring and autumn children caps variants often have "Headphones": they should cover their ears, cheeks and chin.

In today's stores you can find a wide enough range of children's hats, but very popular with parents are manufacturers such as Broel, Pupill, Kristya and others.

 Children's hats: charm the eyes

Children's hats from Broel

 children's hats
 Broel - is a Polish company, which since the late nineties of the twentieth century has been producing bonnets, panama, hats and other headgear for children aged zero to twelve years. The designers of the brand creates original models caps for both girls and boys, each of which is fulfilled in several colors. Thus, the same style can be presented in white and pink-girl embodiment, and the blue intended for boys.

For sewing children's hats Broel company uses mostly natural materials, which are dominated by cotton: it is no secret that in the eyes of consumers it is a kind of guarantee of quality. Manufacturers are well aware how important this fact is not only in terms of the personal comfort of the child, but in the moment of choice hats for parents.

 Children's hats: charm the eyes

Children's hats from Pupill

In the medium price segment is represented by the products of the popular brand in Europe Pupill. This is also a Polish company, but, unlike many other brands, it is not engaged in the development of children's clothing in general and focuses solely on children's hats. Products from Pupill hits the shelves of the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

Despite the fact that the history of the brand once started with a conventional sewing hats for newborns, later Pupill began to focus on a broader age contingent, which included even teenagers fifteen or sixteen years.

The appearance of different children's hats Pupill incredibly attractive. All models, which produces the brand, with interesting, funny and cute stripes. Each year, designers develop and offer the potential consumer of two new collection of children's hats, creating about a hundred original designs for their models. From the side of designers the company prefers not to work.

 Children's hats: charm the eyes

Children's hats from "Christie"

In Russia, one of the largest distributors of children's hats, including through the Internet, is the company "Christie". Own brand products it produces and sells the products of such well-known European manufacturers as Pupill, Broel, Marika, Jamiks, Konwar and others. The vast assortment of "Christie" and you can find children's hats made of Russian factory "Mialt." All models have different styles, colors and presented in a different color categories: it caps, bandanas, panama hats, scarves, headbands, caps, hats, caps, berets, fur cap.

Svetlana Usankova

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