Japanese fashion
 Japan has long been one of the cornerstones of the global fashion industry. Today, however, it is of great interest not only to the well-known Japanese brands, but also street fashion in Japan.


Japanese fashion breakthrough on the international scene took place in the 1980s. Ray works Kavabuko, Yohji Yamamoto, Issey Misake, and other Japanese designers is very different from what they were doing at that time, Western couturiers. Today Kavabuko Yamamoto Misaki remain the most influential names in Japanese fashion. Every year he creates new collections and, in addition, help to find his way in high fashion or his protege as Yamamoto - their children. We can not say that these designers have much in common, but they are all in the 1980s and early 1990s did not yield a general trend and not abandoned monochromatic clothes and simple lines, and at the same time create new styles, which remained peak sales for several years. It is because the Japanese fashion is not merged with the west, she remains to this day an independent component of the world of fashion, not just part of the overall flow.

As in the Japanese market today, there are more clothes designers of Western countries, the very Japanese fashion is becoming more eclectic. Some Japanese designers successfully combine Western high fashion, clean lines and elegant simplicity of Japanese aesthetics. Modern business fashion virtually identical to the western Japan, but in the everyday life of Japanese people like to wear clothes with native ethnic motifs.

 Japanese fashion

Japanese street fashion

Adherents of various youth subcultures gradually become one of the main tourist attractions of Japan. Perhaps in no other country in the world can not be seen just as many people clearly expressed their attitude through the clothes, makeup and hairstyles.

  • Gyaru

Gyaru - a subculture that unites legions of teenagers and young women under the age of 25 years (young people can also be gyaru, but much less). They are easily recognized by their copious makeup, lighten hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 Very bright youth clothing Youth Clothing: modern  Youth Clothing: modern
   - As a rule, short, tight and deliberately sexy. Common attributes suit gyaru are short (often pleated) skirts, white socks, bows and high boots. It is believed that such a fashion craze gyaru perceive themselves as a protest against traditional Japanese values ​​and the way of the struggle for women's freedom, including the freedom to follow the Western way of life. In Japan, and sometimes beyond, this style often mocked that, however, has not affected its popularity.

 Japanese fashion
  • Gangur

Gangur - gyaru radical direction. Girls who are its adherents, seek to maximize change your appearance, making it the least Japanese. They are characterized by very strong tan and bleached hair.

  • About SRI-kei

This trend of street Japanese fashion is especially popular in Tokyo. It is common among boys and young men, and is a combination of American and Italian style careless with the Japanese understanding of glamor Glamour - the charm of bad taste  Glamour - the charm of bad taste
 . Usually, people who dress for a fashion following the latest fashions and rapidly adopt the most interesting of them, and love a variety of accessories - belts, watches, sunglasses. Women's fashion trend that is more adult version gyaru - grown-up girls are trying to combine child touching with a style suitable for study in higher educational institutions and in the office.

 Japanese fashion
  • Lolita

This style began to gain popularity in the 1970s when in Tokyo were sold brands such as Angelic Pretty. However, the exponential growth of "Lolita" in the streets of Japanese cities began in the late 20th and early 21st century, with the development of the internet and the publication of such publications as the "Bible Gothic Lolita", a translation of which can now be found in Europe and North America. This style mimics the look of the popular Victorian porcelain dolls. To be like them, women are curvy dresses with ruffles, ribbons and aprons.

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