color underwear
 Many women choose their favorite underwear color or colors that like a partner, forgetting that the underwear has an important complementary role in creating the image. In particular, the color of the underwear to be combined with the color of the skin, hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and / or eyes. With proper choice of color lingerie makes a woman more attractive. We will talk about how to choose the color of underwear on the basis of three important factors.

Color of the skin

This is the most obvious factor to consider when choosing the color of underwear. Most women prefer lingerie colors as close as possible to the color of their skin. The reason is simple - a laundry remains virtually invisible even under transparent fabrics. To create a more expressive, sensual way, better to choose linens contrasting color: as you know, black underwear exquisite white skin and white - tanned and dark. Red underwear is, perhaps, everything. Women with "warm" type of appearance is also suitable underwear warm colors - yellow, orange, brick, green; "Cold" type is more suitable blue, blue, turquoise, purple underwear.

Hair color

There are virtually no strict rules, the blood of one: to be avoided is clearly unfortunate combinations of color linen with hair color. What does it mean? For example, black lingerie for a blonde - a great choice because the contrast of light and black - it is a classic that simply can not be a failure. Black clothes, of course, fit and brunettes. However, blondes should be careful when choosing lingerie in various shades of yellow. If the color of your hair is dominated by yellowish tones, you can choose the clothes, perhaps, pastel yellow What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous  What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
 . Brighter shades of yellow, such as dandelion can give the body a few sickly or just not very attractive. Red-haired woman should avoid linen shades of green, bordering on blue - a combination of red hair with green, usually it looks dreadful. But the red-haired beauties perfect lingerie dark-green, mossy tones.

 color underwear

Eye color

Ideally, of course, choose the color of lingerie that will accentuate eye color. In the end, a woman's body in beautiful clothes - the most sexually attractive object after the bright, expressive eyes. Blue and gray eyes perfectly underlines underwear in various shades of blue, purple, and black and gray linen. Brown eyes prosper just emphasizes the laundry in tone - black or brown, or contrast - white, cream or ivory. Owners of Eye color marsh lucky more than others - in their eyes linen suit absolutely any color.

What is the color of your underwear says about you

According to the survey, currently about 72% of women prefer a flesh-colored underwear, and very rarely buy a classic black and white lace underwear, not to mention the red. Meanwhile, the color of underwear can tell not only about the fashion preferences of women, but also some of its psychological characteristics.

 color underwear

Women prefer clothes, are not only practical, but also significant looseness. Opting for skin color suggests that a woman is confident enough in its external data, and does not seek to somehow hide the body. In addition, women who like a flesh-colored underwear, as a rule, are easy to communicate and balanced attitude towards life.

Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) stimulate and create an impression of brightness and vitality and give the same person. Woman in underwear warm colors energetic, likes to take the initiative in everything. On the red What color goes red: beware  What color goes red: beware
   worth mentioning separately. In red lingerie lovers can slash energy over the edge; they do not differ modesty, they are not afraid to demand what they want. Often these women are mood swings, and these sentiments are always - the extreme, no halftones. With such a woman is not easy, but interesting.

 color underwear
  color underwear

Pink underwear prefer gentle, romantic nature, which (consciously or not) want to care for them. They are very feminine, delicate and usually, it is not endowed with leadership qualities.

Black lingerie is a sign of a bright personality, authoritativeness and passion. Women prefer black underwear, usually have a special charm, and are capable of strong gusts of feeling.

Lovers of white linen can be quite naive in dealing with people, restrained and conservative. However, if they meet an imperious leader, they can go after him for quite risky behavior.

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