summer bronzer
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   without damage to health. Bronzers. Which one you should choose for this summer?

 Choose a bronzer year: means for spectacular skin

Of course, to get lost among all the different formulations, formulas and packaging uses is fairly easy, but in fact, choose the perfect vehicle for yourself is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. We hope these tips will be useful and help you make the right choice.

  • First, determine for yourself whether you want to cover the whole body tan, or parts thereof. If you are a fan of small narrow bikini, you may not need a bronzer, because you will be able to tan well without it. Very often women apply bronzer only the hotel part of the body, for example, cover only means of arms, legs and chest area. Maybe you just want to make your face look more tanned. Whatever decision you have not, in the end it one way or another, affects the choice of the ideal for you to summer bronzer.
  • Determine the richness and intensity of the sun, which would you like to get in the end. This point is also very important, as bronzers, as well as any decorative cosmetics, have a rich palette of colors, and provide coverage of different densities.
  • You must understand how your skin reacts to the peeling means. The fact that the effects that the exfoliating scrubs and other agents depends on the characteristics of the skin. In some people, the horny layer of cells is removed easily and painlessly, while some types of skin, for whatever reasons, are reluctant to part with the "work" material. You may have to try more than one way, while you will find just the scrub that will suit your skin, or alternatively, you will be able to choose a bronzer that does not require cleansing and exfoliation blue.
  • A great way to cleanse the skin is microdermabrasion. This procedure - a real godsend for people with sensitive skin soft. It is perfect for the removal of dead cells on the face and neck, as well as less sensitive areas, such as in the feet or hands.
  • When choosing a bronzer for the face give preference to formulas based minerals or assets in the form of powder. Today, most cosmetic companies produce cosmetics, in particular, bronzers, mineral-based. The formula of these funds has a soft texture and delicate allows you to vary the density of the coating from mild to quite busy. Mineral bronzers available in a wide palette of colors and shades, if you do not find a color that suits you in a single package, the desired colors can be achieved by mixing the colors of similar hue or using a ready-bronzer, which combines several shades. Among such a variety sure to find exactly what you need.
  • To make transparent bronzing facial skin, choose a gel bronzer. It is easily removed any makeup remover, has a soft texture, and, if necessary, easy to apply again. Women with very pale skin is better to choose bright, natural colors, darker and more saturated suit owners of moderate skin tone and smuglokozhih.
  • For a person to choose the best bronzers in the form of a cream, creamy texture provides an even and natural tint, which appears after a short time, ie, they operate on the general principle of self-tanning agents. The main thing is to choose a shade that blends with the natural tone of your skin.
  • If you are tired of tights and stockings, but feel that your feet are not quite tanned, use a bronzer Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup  Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup
   for legs. Most bronzers for feet available in the form of light mousses or sprays. This formula helps to evenly distribute the color and avoid dark spots and streaks. In the palette of colors you can find what you need, both light and dark colors rather dense. These bronzers can also be used for short-term coverage of hands, and then just rinse at the end of the day.
  • For good measure, natural tan, especially if you periodically spend time in the sun, use a moisturizing lotion with bronzer effect. The line of products for skin moisturizing agents are not uncommon and they can be purchased for a modest price.
  • If you want all of your body covered with a smooth and a nice tan, bronzers to choose the body, but for the person it is better not to use. Depending on your tastes and preferences, you can choose a vehicle in aerosols in the form of a mousse, spray, gel, oil or cream. Shades range from relatively light to dark and rich, including moderate and intermediate tone. Many of these types of bronzers have almost instantaneous effect of tinted sun, that is, immediately after the application means you see the color that it gives the tone goes smoothly and does not change over time. Repeated application or by applying several layers of bronzer you have the opportunity to achieve more dark and deep tan.

 Choose a bronzer year: means for spectacular skin

Useful tips

  • If you have dry, prone to peeling skin, choose bronzers, which include moisturizing ingredients.
  • Bronzers in the form of powder and mineral-based can be applied on top of the finished make-up, it is a matter of taste.
  • For a natural tan color lip glosses can be used, solid tint toners and salves with a slight bronze tint.
  • For a radiant natural tan exfoliating regularly carry out procedures to cleansed skin of dead cells bronzer means lies more natural and smooth layer
  • Apply a moisturizer after tanning, because you will not only nourish your skin, but do tan softer and more beautiful.
  • Bronzer body is not recommended to make the facial skin tone Sun
  • Do not apply bronzer on peeling chapped skin. First, clean the skin with exfoliating scrub, apply bronzer only healthy smooth skin.
  • If you have very sensitive skin, avoid tight and heavy bronzers.
  • Before you buy bronzer, carefully read the label of the funds should not include components that can stain your clothes.
  • Do not put anything out until the bronzer is completely dry.
  • Apply bronzer only need to dry skin.

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