how to use sunscreen
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   skin wrinkles and skin cancer. The most common means of skin care products for the prevention of wrinkles and skin cancer - sunscreen Sunscreen: summer trends  Sunscreen: summer trends
 But many people do not properly use this tool.

The most important factors in this case - is a spectrum of radiation from the UV rays absorbed cream, cream application amount and frequency of use.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying

UV radiation

The sun emits UV radiation, which is divided into categories depending on the wavelength. UV radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere of the spectrum C and does not harm the skin. The UV spectrum of the radiation effect on the outer layer of the epidermis of the skin and causes sunburn How to protect your skin from sunburn?  How to protect your skin from sunburn?
 . This type of radiation can not penetrate through the glass, and its intensity depends on the time of the day and season. A spectrum UV radiation penetrates deep into the skin and more intensively affects it. The intensity of this radiation is more constant than the radiation from the spectrum regardless of the time of day and season. These rays are not filtered glass.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying

Components included in the sunscreen

Components in sunscreens can be subdivided into components which physically block the radiation and those which absorb it. Blocking radiation components are very effective in skin exposure to UV rays of the spectrum A and B. The old formula, such as zinc oxide are opaque and can be cosmetically unacceptable. However, the latest formula of micronized titanium dioxide are not as opaque and thus provide excellent protection. Absorbing radiation components vary according to the type of radiation they absorb: absorbs radiation from the UVA rays of the spectrum and B.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying


SPF measures the amount of absorbed UV spectrum B, but there is no such method, which would be responsible for the absorption of UV spectrum of A. The only way that helps determine whether a means of protection from UVA and B - is to look at its components. Good broad spectrum cream must have at least SPF 15 and contain avobenzone, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying

Proper application

Most people wrongly use sunscreens, since not enough to put it on the skin. They do just 25-50% of the recommended amount of funds. It should be applied liberally to all exposed areas of the skin to the sun, to get a thin layer. When you apply the tool for the first time. It is necessary to have passed for 20-30 minutes, until the agent absorbed into the skin, so it is necessary to put at least half an hour before sun exposure. Sunscreen is not advisable to apply on the face, as they may dissolve in the presence of water, which is part of the tonal foundations and moisturizers, which is composed of water.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying


Most instructions on the labels of sunscreens recommend frequent application of funds, but the concept of the word "often" can not be too clear. Usually recommend reapply means dvuz after four hours of exposure to the sun. Although experience shows that the second application means after 20-30 minutes after exposure to the sun, is more efficient than using it in two hours. The reason for this is the fact that many people have applied too little money on the skin initially, so the second application enhances the effect. The facility also must be applied again after bathing, heavy sweating or toweling.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying

Sunscreen every day

Sunscreen should be applied on the skin every day. Daily use tools with small SPF (15) has proved more effective in protecting against exposure to the sun than the periodic use of funds with a higher SPF.

 How to use sunscreens: steps of applying

Sunscreens and repellents insect

Insect repellent, sunscreen SPF reduced by about one third. Therefore, if you use these two tools at the same time, it is best to use a tool with a higher SPF or apply it more often.

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  • sunscreens
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