• Tanning: the main thing - natural
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 For manufacturers of cosmetic tanning - a real goldmine. Among the people who want to find a nice tan, a lot of those who have no time to a sun deck and the more - in fact, to sunbathe under the sun. Meanwhile, tanned skin - one of the attributes of a modern standard of beauty, so that sales agents for tanning steadily growing. And how to use tanning?

 Tanning: the main thing - natural

What is the self-tanning: study

On the shelves of cosmetics stores you can find many tubes and jars that promise us a smooth and beautiful tan without too much cost and effort. Who of us after a long winter does not want to part with the "office" pale golden and find a nice tan. Remember the famous super-model 80s. Their calling card has always been a smooth golden brown tan, and a sleek black bikini. In a bikini, of course, do not go to the office, but you can show tanned legs.

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   and the risk of cancer. For people who care about their health - natural tan in the sun simply taboo. In today's world means tanning enjoyed by people of various professions, from the super-models to housewives.

In pharmacies, cosmetic and specialty stores, you can find a variety of means of self-tanning, in the form of gels, mousses, creams and sprays. They all work on the same principle as in the tanning of any part of the same active ingredient: dihydroxyacetone (DHA).

Dihydroxyacetone - a simple, completely non-toxic sugar. He is directly involved in carbohydrate metabolism in higher plants and animals, its metabolization is much faster than for example a similar process involving glucose.

Ketosahar three carbon - is a physiological product, which is produced and used by the human body in the process of glycolysis. Glycolysis - a typical metabolic process, familiar to each of us.

Dihydroxyacetone, which is part of tanning produced by fermentation of glycerol atsetobakterialnymi oxidants. The effect of tanning with dihydroxyacetone was discovered quite by accident. This happened in the mid-50s, in the children's clinic at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Eva Wittgenstein observed children with glycogen storage disease. Little patients taking large doses of inward enough dihydroxyacetone. The body of the child reworked quite a lot of this material, about 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. Sometimes some children belching this sweet concentrate and particles fell on their skin. After some time on the skin, anywhere substance, and it was not immediately removed, appeared brownish spots.

Wittgenstein of the incident made certain conclusions and went on banal reprimands staff about the unwashed children. She made several aqueous solutions with different concentrations of dihydroxyacetone. The experiment, she decided to spend on itself and after some time to get the results expected. Her skin was formed brownish pigment. What is the secret of such a reaction?

The reason is the Maillard reaction, which is familiar to those skilled in the chemistry of food production. He discovered and described the reaction of Louis-Camille Maillard or Maillard if to say his name in the French manner. In 1912, Maillard noticed that the interaction of amino acids with sugar produced substances golden brown. This reaction is observed when darkening products during their production or storage. The golden-brown color of beer is also a result of this reaction.

 Tanning: the main thing - natural

How do the means of self-tanning

So how does Self-tanning? For the formation of brown tanning dihydroxyacetone reacts with the free amino groups contained in skin proteins in particular with the free guanido group in arginine .  Proteins of the epidermis increased amounts of the amino acids arginine, lysine and histidine .  In the course of further experiments Dr. Wittgenstein discovered that the fastest and most conspicuous result give dihydroxyacetone interaction with arginine .  Within thirty minutes the skin surface manifested dark brown pigment .  The use of aqueous solutions of mixtures of dihydroxyacetone with glycine, lysine and histidine also gave a pigment various shades of brown and yellowish .  These pigments are called melanoidins .  Melanoidins - polymeric chemical compound adjoint lysine side bonds to proteins in the uppermost skin layer, this layer is composed entirely of keratinized dead cells .

Dihydroxyacetone does not penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum. Wittgenstein came to this conclusion by a conventional patch. After applying the solution on the skin, but also to the existence of the pigment in some areas of the skin was stuck and ripped off the patch immediately. Thus, dead cells of the skin in this area is removed with the tape. In areas where the dead cells were removed, the pigment is not manifested.

The concentration in the media dihydroxyacetone tanning varies between 2-5%. For more intense and deep tanning agent to be used with high concentrations of active ingredients. The value of the acidity in the tanning formulas vary between 4 and 6. A higher value brown pigment formed in the solution as a means of self-tanning it is already impossible to use. Mixtures, which are positioned as tanning, most of them have an index of 5, they should be stored in a cool place, because even on the degree of warming more than human body temperature significantly affects the stability of the connection.

Nowadays matching funds tanning cosmetic and dermatological standards improved significantly. To date, produced the means to achieve a natural golden brown tan, various shades and intensities, as opposed to the older funds, which left behind a dirty-orange pigment. These shades are ideal for people with slightly somewhat dark skin. Holders of odd dark or too light skin, they are unlikely to fit.

The structure differs from the structure of melanoidins melanin Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care
 But some of their properties, especially those who are responsible for the absorption of various substances, are very similar. Apparently, the means for tanning have a sun protection factor, but is quite low, about 2-3. Sunscreen, shade and wide-brimmed hats while nobody canceled. Even a body covered with an artificial tan is subject to sunburn.

 Tanning: the main thing - natural

Orange Tan

The composition includes tanning most dihydroxyacetone - colorless substance which interacts with the upper layer of the skin, making it darker. Abuse of such tanning or the use of tanning with dihydroxyacetone high concentrations can lead to the fact that the skin will not golden and orange. It also depends on the natural color and the pH of the skin. To understand how this or that will work on your tan skin, test it on a small area of ​​skin.

Experts recommend choosing products for tanning, which includes not only dihydroxyacetone, erythrulose and - sugar, which is derived from raspberries. Means, which is composed of these two ingredients, at least give an unusual orange color, and provide a more stable result.

Some manufacturers add tanning green pigment - it neutralizes the orange hues.

 Tanning: the main thing - natural

Prepare your skin

Before you use a self-tanning, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned, including, remove dead skin cells using a scrub. For best results, apply tanning immediately after exfoliation.

In the epidermis, which interact tanning is a lot of dead skin cells. If you do not remove them, change their tan color, but after a few days, some of them disappear and become uneven tan.

First, apply a tan on your feet, and then on the thighs, stomach, and so on. On the elbows and knees, apply a little less self-tanning than the other parts of the body, or they may become noticeably darker than the skin around.

Within a few hours it is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activity - because the sweat can turn out uneven tan.

 Tanning: the main thing - natural

Work on the bugs

If the tan still received with stripes and spots, would have to use a scrub - it aligns color, although, of course, and make it much lighter. Some experts recommend to align the feedback tanning using tonic pores - only work carefully, otherwise again have to correct mistakes.

If the skin color turned dark enough, use tanning again.

Read more How to apply

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