aroma interior comfort
 Each house has its home, its furnishings, interior, mood, and therefore must be the smell. Making your home fragrance is quite simple - you need to find the most appropriate way, and then enjoy a relaxing or, alternatively, invigorating scents in the air the apartment or house.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior

Dried flowers

Nature extremely rich in different odors than is necessary to use not only as a perfume. Lavender, mint, sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
   or rose - a standard set, which will give the charm of any home, making it thin air, fresh, relaxing or exciting. Dried lavender flowers calming, sage has a pronounced effect against insects, about the virtues of rose and mint even say excessively. Dried flowers can be spread in a cup, put in the center of the room, previously sprinkled a little warm water to flavor began to unfold, spread around the room.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior

Airing space

To the house was a good smell it should be aired regularly, allowing to circulate fresh air from outside. A quarter of an hour is enough to room breathed. This is not only a bedroom and living room, and kitchen and toilet and bathroom doors that must be opened during the airing of the apartment.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior

Smart aromatization

The flavor, which is using the integrated diffuser spreads a pleasant smell in the room, it can be operated independently or by electricity. This device emits essential oils, which are more likely to taste apartment owner. His last long, as the consumption during operation is quite small.

Buying flavor with a diffuser, is to make sure that none of the household is allergic to a particular component. It is also not recommended to use a diffuser in the presence of young children and pregnant women.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior


Not only you can find almost any odor, and that is very nice, it will not emit a sharp flavors, and will be only a slight reminder of its presence. Perfumed soap can be placed in the laundry, which will be fragrant.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior

Peel fruits

Sometimes the most natural, the cheapest and easiest way to get a flavor for the house - make it your own hands. For example, you can use lemon and orange zest: put them in the water, pour a little vanilla and put on fire in anticipation of complete evaporation of the liquid. Will a great tool to give the room a citrus flavor, which is very invigorating and energizing.

 The aroma of comfort: the secrets of fragrant interior

Eau de cologne

Sometimes ready devices are used not only to flavor your own costume or hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . This may seem strange, but expensive perfumes can save the dressing room or bathroom irritating smell of cleaning products. After treatment, you can drop into the water to wash the last bit of cologne Perfume and cologne: What's the difference?  Perfume and cologne: What's the difference?
 Then go with a wet cloth over the surface. They will leave for yourself the subtle aroma, it is much more pleasant than the smell of bleach or ocean freshness standard tools for these rooms.

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