Bronzer Tanning Lotion
 In any pharmacy, a beauty salon and tanning studios you'll be amazed by the variety of assortment of various creams, lotions and gels for tanning. All of them promise us a stunning effect beautiful and even tan, including various additional functions. Some simply make the skin darker, some raise the intensity of the sun, giving the skin a bronze color or slightly tinted. Experts point out that when properly applied suntan its main purpose is to give the skin a beautiful shade of dark-skinned, without danger and harm to the health of the skin. Where do you start?

 What is the role bronzers in suntan lotion

What are bronzers

Creams - bronzers - it means to shallow surface Sun, which affect only the uppermost outer layer of the epidermis. Creams bronzers are known for luminous bronzer effect after application appears almost instantly after application, as opposed to funds for tanning Self-tanning products - a great way to make the skin beautiful  Self-tanning products - a great way to make the skin beautiful
 Which take effect after a certain time and intensity are obtained after tanning depends on the amount of deposited funds and on how often you update regularly, and color.

 What is the role bronzers in suntan lotion

How do bronzers

It is known that our skin is composed of two layers, the epidermis - the top of the outer layer and the dermis - the inner layer, which is actually called skin. Any sunburn resulting from UV exposure, or after the application of self-tanning agents to penetrate only the uppermost layer of skin cells, i.e. the epidermis.

Unlike natural tanning, bronzers and tanning effect on the upper layer of the epidermis using special chemical substances of natural origin, which is called dihydroxyacetone.

 What is the role bronzers in suntan lotion

What is dihydroxyacetone

Experts define dihydroxyacetone as a colorless chemical compound extracted from plant sources, which change the color of skin pigment chemically reacts with proteins which contain the cells in the cornified layer of the epidermis.

During rubbing into the skin dihydroxyacetone reacts with these dead cells. This reaction leads to the formation of pigment, called melanoidom.

Our skin is constantly updated, generates new cells and getting rid of the dead already, so melanoid does not stay in our skin for a long time, and the resulting tan after tanning bronzer or pale or almost completely disappears after three to four days.

 What is the role bronzers in suntan lotion

Is it safe to bronzers

Creams, bronzers according to authoritative research institutes have been recognized completely harmless and safe for healthy skin Health skin - status indicator organism  Health skin - status indicator organism
 . Dihydroxyacetone was included in the list of innocuous food and medicinal ingredients has first 70s and since then more than 30 years, is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics and some food products.

Creams bronzers should be stored away from children, use only for external use, do not apply to the skin around the eyes and mucous membranes.

 What is the role bronzers in suntan lotion

The chemical compositions and formulas bronzers

In any salon you will encounter a huge variety of bronzers. How to navigate in the formulas and compositions and to choose the right tool for you bronzer.

Experts argue that the concentration of dihydroxyacetone bronzer ranges from 2, 5 to 10%. In certain media content of the active ingredient is slightly higher. When choosing a bronzer, consider the percentage of the concentration on the basis of how often you plan to use your cream bronzer. Bright colors have a more gentle effect on the skin when applied as light colors easier to avoid streaks and uneven unnatural color.

Be sure to read the label: a part of the individual funds contain moisturizing ingredients, some are made on the basis of alcohol.

Choose a vehicle that best meets the needs and the type of your skin.

For dry skin, perfect bronzers, which include vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   E or aloe vera extract. Owners of oily skin is better to prefer alcohol-based.

Some bronzers contain alfagidrokisloty that promote the elimination of necrotic cell layer, thereby providing a more uniform color and long-lasting effect.

  • After you clean the skin, be sure to use an alcoholic tonic that will help to remove any remnants of soap and other cleaning components. Contaminants can affect the chemical reaction and as a result you will not get the expected result.
  • Moisturize skin lotions, enriched with vitamins. The composition of such funds also contributes to the appearance of smooth bronze shade and prevents peeling and dryness of the skin.
  • Do not shave your legs and do not shower for at least an hour after applying bronzer. After using the tools, be sure to wash your hands, unless you want your palms become sunburned.

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