 Young women whose skin has not yet been affected by age-related changes, wrinkles may seem far-fetched problem, though invented and injected specifically to force humanity to spend a total of millions of dollars on tools against them. But as soon as they appear on the skin, with the unfolding tragedy of eternal questions: what to do? How to get rid of them? Is it possible once and for all to return the skin to its previous state? Answers to many of these questions in the affirmative, but mixed. We all grow old - it's sad, but we can take measures to preserve youth Keeping youth - proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle  Keeping youth - proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle
   - Is encouraging.


What wrinkles

Wrinkles are visible grooves on the surface of the skin in places where it sinks into the epidermis. First wrinkles can be inconspicuous and not numerous, but with time they become more and more, they cross each other, and in adulthood without proper care face streak this mesh of wrinkles, cells in which small and connecting links - dense and thick.

The formation of wrinkles - is a natural process, which is always associated with aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   skin and wear it with a cloth. The older the person, the more noticeable these changes, so prevention should be carried out even before they occur, and at the first signs of aging is to take intensive measures to slow the process.


Causes of Wrinkles

Different people aging occurs different rates .  Someone thirty there are notable small "crow's feet" around the eyes and wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, while others in the same age retain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin .  The formation of wrinkles is affected by several factors, one of which - hereditary .  Faster wrinkles penetrate the skin that is regularly exposed to the sun, much older, even at a young age can look smokers and people who abuse alcohol, because their skin is constantly dehydrated .  Dry skin is covered by the nature of wrinkles rather than tight, prone to fat .  Power sufficient quantity or shortage of vitamins, fats and trace elements, liquid, play a significant role in the formation of wrinkles .  Environmental stress, aggressive environments are negative factors contributing to the early appearance of wrinkles .  Active facial expressions, even when positive emotions, provoking revealing deep facial creases, which are difficult to get rid .


The principle of formation of wrinkles

Young skin, radiant health, has a solid collagen-elastin skeleton, which does not allow to form wrinkles. The relief of the skin is smooth, color - uniform. Over time, this condition changes. As a result of negative changes in the internal and external factors in the skin is broken activities and the number of fibroblasts, connective tissue cells, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. Frame that exists in the skin, begins to thin and break off, and no new forms. In place of the gaps where no collagen-elastin yarn, fabric begins to sink down, falling into the epidermis. Place this failure is the wrinkle, which can be barely visible at first, but then, under the influence of external and internal factors are drawn more and more intense.


The fight against wrinkles

Unfortunately, getting rid of wrinkles once and for all using the available cosmetic products - yet unattainable dream. It is a complex problem of the whole organism, not a trouble spot, which can be masked.

Cosmetic products often have a quick, but very short-term corrective effect. Since masks, creams, serums able to or slightly smooth wrinkles with regular long-term use, or to provide a powerful one-time effect of filling the dimples in the epidermis, wrinkles are pushed out, but then the skin again "sinks".

Preparations contouring able to smooth the skin for a long time, but in adulthood with severe sagging and deep facial wrinkles they have very little effect. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid injecting fill area wrinkles smoothed relief. They can dissolve a few months, after which the procedure can be repeated.

At a fairly young age to promote youthful skin and prevent aging of the hardware used the peeling procedure, for example, laser, chemical. These techniques are aimed at encouraging more stamina to fight age. After these procedures the skin is actively updated and restores a youthful appearance for a while.

In the age after 45 years of age in the course of irreversible processes is used aesthetic surgery. The most common version of it - or circular facelift facelift Facelift: how to restore youth  Facelift: how to restore youth
 . During the operation, the skin is stretched and smoothed, the excess excised, wrinkles disappear.

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Article Tags:
  • Wrinkles
  • Moisturizing facial mask - do not let yourself wither!
  • Contour: the desired volume