Increasingly, those who dream of a beautiful and tanned skin tanning agent chosen. If you are already a little tanned, tool-bronzer will give you an even deeper and more intense color, give a beautiful bronze color. Today, bronzers are available in a variety of designs, they differ not only in composition, but also the functions that perform. All bronzers completely harmless, they give the skin a beautiful golden hue without affecting its health and beauty. Apply bronzer should be very careful, but it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Even those who are just starting to use self-tanning agents, can easily cope with the technique of applying bronzer.
Types bronzers
The structure includes bronzers or natural pigments, or active ingredient is dihydroxyacetone. Dihydroxyacetone is an amino acid, which is produced from sugar cane. Reputable institutions of medicine and cosmetology approved dihydroxyacetone as completely harmless and safe substance, which can make the skin darker. Harm to natural pigments also found. And dihydroxyacetone and organic pigments interact only with the top layer of skin. The pigments of natural origin simply stained skin, whereas dihydroxyacetone reacts with skin proteins, thereby generating a darker color.
Available in bronzer tanning lotion tanning increases the intensity and depth of color. Opting bronzer, you will not need to carry out in the sun too long to get a tan. Thus, you will not only prevent premature aging
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the skin, but also reduce the risk of cancer. Most often in the bronzers includes sunscreen, but it is not quite high, this figure is unlikely to adequately protect you from the UV rays of different spectra.
Bronzers do not pose any health risks, but they need to be applied very carefully and accurately. When careless application you are unlikely to achieve a smooth accurate shade means lie ugly stains and spots. Unfortunately, bronzers may stain your clothes, so it is best to avoid contact with the fabric means as long as you do not have washed off. If you are dealt a bronzer on the body, it is best to put on something dark, and should not be applied means too thick and dense layer.
Factors worth considering
Bronzer remains on the skin for several hours after application. For nearly nine hours bronzer
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continues to penetrate the upper layer of the skin, changing its color to a darker. After application to the body lotion with bronzers sure to wash your hands thoroughly. If people notice your palms orange, hardly anyone will believe you that your natural tan.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is extremely dangerous. Too much ultraviolet radiation significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. Sunburn using bronzer funds are not able to protect your skin from harmful sun rays. Doctors and beauticians recommend using sunscreen
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wide action with a protection factor of at least 15, with very sensitive skin, choose cream with a protection factor of more than 15.
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