On the popular lemonade diet lose weight world stars, rapidly dropping excess weight. The principle of this diet is so simple that its fans every day join the army stroyneyuschih. All solid food is replaced by the drink made at home. However, the components of lemonade rather exotic: in addition to fresh lemons, it is maple syrup and cayenne hot pepper.
The history of the invention, the pros and cons
Father lemonade diet is considered to be an American physician Stanley Burroughs. In the mid-fifties of the last century came up with this naturopath program of cleansing the body with the help of a lemon drink. Losing weight on this diet is very fast, but mainly due to dehydration. Fat loss occurs. As the cleansing process, this mode is recommended to limit the power to carry out on a regular basis, but not more than two or three days. However, the purification and detoxification of organism, the actual tangible results of weight loss occurring just on the third day. Many followers of this diet use it for a long time - from ten days to two to three weeks, which is quite dangerous for the organism.
The advantage of such a diet can be considered as its ease of use and fast visible results. Included in the lemonade ingredients stimulates the natural purification ability of the body and release energy that a person spends in the digestion of food, thereby enabling the body to break.
Lemonade Diet is available for every person, there is no any difficulties with counting calories and eating on the clock, as in other modes of supply constraints. After its passage in human taste changes dramatically, it is not drawn to the harmful products.
However, this diet does not fit all, before beginning its necessary to consult with your doctor. Such restriction in the diet is dangerous for the heart muscle and for the digestive tract in general. People with high acidity and gastric ulcer sufferers lemonade diet is absolutely contraindicated.
Ingredients lemonade elixir
Lemonade for diet consists of four ingredients - water, lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper (chilli). Clean Water - the basis of the drink, it was she removes from the body toxins. From its quality will depend largely on the speed of their removal. It is best to use spring water or prepare their own melt. To this end, regular tap water is passed twice through a filter, frozen and then thawed naturally.
Lemon juice contains large amounts of vitamin
Vitamins for everyone
C and has on cleansing the body alkalizing effect, which helps to break down fats and remove mucus. Maple syrup provides the body during fasting required in carbohydrate, trace elements and vitamins. Burning cayenne chili pepper increases metabolism, improves blood circulation than just reinforces the conclusion toxins. The pepper contains vitamins A and C, it helps to satisfy hunger
Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
The system at the lemonade diet drink
The structure includes homemade lemonade distilled or spring, meltwater, which squeezed juice of half a lemon (per cup of water), two tablespoons of natural maple syrup, sugar and a pinch of cayenne pepper. On the day you can drink six to nine glasses of cleansing elixir, while there can not be anything.
Twice a day, with a strong sense of hunger is permitted to use a laxative tea. Those who have tried this diet for yourself, argue that there is no feeling of hunger does not arise. The yield of the diet lemonade, as well as from any other comfort and needs gradually. On the first day out of the diet you can drink a mixture of fresh juices - carrot and cabbage, grapefruit and orange. On the second day in the evening - a liquid vegetable soup and boiled vegetables. During this period, should be included in the diet of vitamins of group A, B, C. It will consolidate the results. Quick output can cause pain in the stomach and even vomiting.
It is interesting
Lemonade Diet has become particularly popular in the world thanks to the famous singer and actress Beyoncé Knowles. For ten days, the star has lost nine kilograms and began to look amazing. Periodically sit on such a diet Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and other Hollywood stars, although they do not advertise.
Jeanne Pyatirikova
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