Certain foods contribute to the functioning of the brain and improve memory. If you forget your keys, it does not mean that you lose your memory. Cases of forgetfulness happen at all. This is a natural side effect of stress, distractions, congestion and aging
Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
. Serious memory problems may be signs of dementia, but simple forgetfulness is usually not a cause for concern.
So, do not worry, but should eat food that is useful for the brain, for example, contain anti-oxidants, vitamins B, anti-oil and spices.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts
Neurons are particularly vulnerable when it comes to the oxidation by free radicals. These molecules attack cells and oxidize them - it's the same process that causes darken and cringe cut apple. Antioxidants found in vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes, neutralize free radicals. When you eat enough of these foods, the brain accumulates antioxidants that protect it. It also refers to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. The most important for the functioning of memory antioxidants - vitamins C and E and the mineral selenium
Selenium in food - in small doses is useful
- Found in vegetables, fruits and nuts.
One of the best gifts of summer - blueberries. But it is necessary to freeze it and eat throughout the year, because blueberries are very useful for storage. This huge amount of berry anthocyanins - a substance that imparts color and berries are powerful antioxidants.
Salmon, mackerel
The brain contains a large amount of fat, it is no wonder that for its operation need healthy fats. For brain cells are particularly useful in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation. Studies show that at high levels of the substance of the brain work better.
This is one of the few foods that contain choline - a substance needed for cells. Eggs are especially useful for pregnant women - for the proper formation of the child's brain. Choline is required for the development of the hippocampus, the memory center in the brain. Egg yolks also contain a lot of vitamin
Vitamins for everyone
B12, which help to reduce the level of homocysteine - a substance harmful to the brain and impair its performance.
Can an apple a day to improve memory? Probably, especially if you eat the apples with the peel - it most quercetin. According to the study, the effective antioxidant than vitamin C, protects the brain cells from damage.
This bright yellow spice that is traditionally used in Indian and other oriental cuisines. The color gives it an antioxidant curcumin. Animal studies indicate that the curcumin prevents oxidation, reduces the likelihood of inflammation and cerebral vascular occlusion.
Oatmeal, whole grains
If you care about your memory, eat a traditional breakfast of oatmeal. As scientists believe, due to the high content of fiber and protein, oatmeal and whole-grain foods slow digestion, which is why blood glucose falls yv gradually. The brain uses glucose as an energy source, a gradual smooth flow provides good brain function and memory.
Green vegetables, lentils, fish
Folic acid and vitamin B6 and B12 help to reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid, which is associated with the risk of dementia. Studies show that people with high homocysteine levels and a lack of folic acid are experiencing memory loss.
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