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 White rash on the penis

White rash on the penis

White rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   at the head of the penis should be counseled by a urologist or a dermatologist, because it causes may be different. Very often in adolescence such a rash is the norm, but it can be a symptom of a disease.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - White

White rash on the penis as a variant of the norm

White skin rash Skin rash: mayday  Skin rash: mayday
   glans penis may occur when blockage of the sebaceous glands. Most often this occurs in adolescence, when under the influence of male sex hormones begin to actively develop and operate oil glands throughout the body, including the head of the penis.

Externally clogged glands are small white rash, located on the periphery of the glans penis. It does not itch, does not hurt and does not cause any other discomfort. Specially treated s not necessary, but such a state requires content genitals clean, since the infection can join. It is best to use special care gels designed for intimate hygiene Intimate hygiene: a delicate issue  Intimate hygiene: a delicate issue

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - White

HPV infection

When HPV infection (PVI) on the penis, including on his head appear small flesh-colored growths - genital warts. They are painless and do not show themselves. Gradually, the number of protrusions increases, they increase in length and width, may merge with each other, completely breaking sexual life of men.

This disease is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and sexually transmitted. Since hitting the body, HPV has not left him, but can not manifest itself in any way as long as a person has a normal immune system. By reducing immunity (eg, colds, after various infections, injuries, etc.) on the genitals may appear typical sprawl. Them removed surgically. To the disease has not recurred, prescribe medications that strengthen the immune system. And again, when PVI often found in men and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, so the detection of PVI is an occasion for a full examination.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - White


Balanoposthitis - an inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. It may cause various infectious agents, so its signs can be different.

For example, white raids on the head of the penis, which can be mistaken for a rash, characteristic for Candida balanoposthitis - thrush, which is caused by the yeast genus Candida. These fungi are almost always live on the skin and mucous membranes of man coming in the pathogenic microflora. Normally, all of conditionally pathogenic microflora is suppressed normal and good immunity does not allow the fungus to penetrate the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes. But when it happens lowered immunity and disease develops.

The disease begins with redness and swelling of the skin of the penis and foreskin, which are accompanied by severe burning and itching. After some time on the penis appear dirty-white attacks. At first, they may look like a cheesy spot raids white, easily separated from the skin, but quickly turned into a film adherent to the skin. When forcible removal of such films on the skin formed by erosion and ulcers.

Candida balanoposthitis require further investigation in order to identify other infections that may be hiding for thrush. Treated yeast using antifungal drugs that are taken orally or applied topically. At the same time prescribed drugs that strengthen the immune system.

Balanoposthitis may have bacterial in nature, for example, caused by staphylococci. In this case, the head of the penis may appear pustules with white heads. Treatment in this case is carried out after a thorough examination and determine the causes of the disease. Various antibiotics are used for oral administration, as well as for outdoor use.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - White

Intimate Hygiene Men

The proper care of the male genitalia depends on his health. So the boy's childhood should be taught that twice a day to take a shower once a day to wash the genitals with soap and water or with a special gel for intimate hygiene of men. Be sure to open the glans penis, and wash it, because in between the head and the foreskin (it's called prepuce) residues accumulate urine, semen, shelled skin, which are the breeding ground for a variety of infectious agents.

For personal hygiene better not use soap (it dries the skin), and special gels for intimate hygiene male - Green energy, Carolina Herrera, Baldessarini and others.

Read more Possible causes

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