• What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Surgery
  • General information
  • Means of treatment

 treatment of vitiligo

Treatment of vitiligo

White spots can be cured. There are several ways to influence the skin without pigment. The choice of treatment of vitiligo occurs individually. The main factors of choice - it is the size of spots, their number and location. Universal stain removal method there is often the treatment of vitiligo is complex.

Vitiligo can be treated by medication, surgery and homeopathy. The natural skin color back after several months of treatment. Depending on the degree of development of vitiligo and the individual characteristics of a positive effect can be achieved in six months or a year and a half.

To reduce the vitiligo patches are successfully used a variety of means for external use, and various types of therapy.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment

Steroid ointment

Steroid ointments are particularly effective in the early stages of vitiligo. For example, the corticosteroid ointment prescribed, even low concentrations of children. Corticosteroids - a hormonal agent, hormones which are identical to the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. The effect of corticosteroid ointments may be visible in a few months. Corticosteroid ointment - it is one of the safest and most effective means in vitiligo. However, like any other medicine, this ointment can be side effects: redness, swelling, irritation. Particularly susceptible to the sensitive areas of the skin, so in these places is possible to use less concentrated ointment.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment


Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy) - it's effect on the skin long-wave ultraviolet radiation in conjunction with psoralen - tools that increase sensitivity to UV light. Photochemotherapy skin helps re-pigmented light skin in vitiligo. During treatment, psoralen is used for both external and internal to application. This method of treatment has side effects - increased sensitivity to sunlight, so care should be taken to treat the protection of skin from ultraviolet radiation.

This treatment is carried out using the drug psoralen activated ampoules with ultraviolet rays A-type (UVA). A combination of ray-type psoralen known as "PUVA therapy." It is impossible to consider it absolutely effective to achieve the results you need to take a few sessions for several months. Studies show that PUVA therapy gives a slight improvement compared with placebo (a dummy treatment).

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment

Local PUVA therapy

Local PUVA therapy for minor symptoms of vitiligo. Suitable for children of two years. With this type of PUVA therapy applied to the patient's skin, psoralen. After application, the skin is irradiated with a special ultraviolet light. Treatment takes from one to several weeks. In the treatment of hyperpigmentation is possible Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?  Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?
 Which will disappear with time. Also, be aware of protecting the skin from sunlight.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment

Oral PUVA therapy

Oral PUVA therapy for severe symptoms of vitiligo (covers more than twenty percent) or immunity to local PUVA therapy. The general course is usually two to three weeks. This type of therapy is not suitable for children under ten years. It can give complications in the eyes and cause the risk of developing cataracts.

In some cases, the physician may recommend use psoralen in combination with ordinary sunlight.

Side effects of psoralen for internal use include sunburn, nausea, vomiting, itching, abnormal hair growth Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and hyperpigmentation. Oral PUVA therapy may increase the risk of skin cancer. During oral PUVA therapy, be sure to use sunscreen Sunscreen: summer trends  Sunscreen: summer trends
   and wearing sunglasses, is contraindicated in direct sunlight for a day or two after each treatment to avoid giperzagara and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment


With this type of therapy, healthy skin without vitiligo special decolorized. Suitable for the treatment of vitiligo, which has spread to more than half of the body.

Twice a day to healthy skin is applied monobenzol. Using monobenzola stopped when vitiligo cease to be visible in comparison with the rest of the skin. The effect of monobenzola constant. We must be careful not to contact with the skin of other people within two hours after the application of funds for skin discoloration. The main side effect of intentional depigmentation of the skin - increased sensitivity to sunlight. There may be inflammation, itching and dry skin.

If depigmented area is very extensive, you can apply the cream, for example, such as hydroquinone, which is the normal skin depigmentation. Sometimes the best way to make the invisible vitiligo, the most suitable for the patient.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment


Patients with vitiligo should use an effective sunscreen to prevent burns to the affected skin. There are several treatments that aim to disguise or discoloration of the skin and prevent further progression of the disease. None of these methods is not 100% effective, and they all have their limitations.

The easiest and most affordable way to all the visible removal of vitiligo is to apply make-up to hide the depigmentation.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment


For vitiligo corticosteroids used both topically and inwardly, generally orally. Although there is no doubt that the degree of improvement is more pronounced when compared to placebo, less than 50% of patients reported substantial improvements.

 What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots - Treatment


Patients with very dark skin, transplanted fragments of pigmented skin from other parts of the body. This method can facilitate repigmentation damaged areas.

Read more Surgery

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