• Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences
  • Kinds

 types of hemorrhoids

Types of Hemorrhoids

Perhaps the hemorrhoids - is not the most serious disease, but for sure - one of the most unpleasant and painful. Hemorrhoids - this disease, resulting submucosal proliferation of the rectum, which could result in the so-called hemorrhoids. There hemorrhoids usually from 20 to 50 years.


Why do I get hemorrhoids

There are primary and secondary hemorrhoids. Primary hemorrhoids occur with increasing intra-abdominal pressure, such as during pregnancy, at regular weight lifting, prolonged stay in a sitting position, the abuse of alcohol, salty and spicy food, with persistent constipation, inflammatory diseases of the colon and rectum.

Secondary develops hemorrhoids at some diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver, tumors that violate venous outflow of blood from the rectum.



Hemorrhoids are formed internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal nodes are located in the rectum, external hemorrhoids are formed from the plexus of small veins (veins take blood, saturated with carbon dioxide and waste products from the tissues) and arteries (arteries delivered to tissue blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients) and do not have such a clear locations around the anus, as the internal components.


Acute Hemorrhoids

Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids can occur with damage to exterior, interior or both nodes (the so-called combined form). There are dramatically swollen, painful, sealed units. Usually first appears thrombosis of internal hemorrhoids and external involved in the process again. But sometimes there is an isolated thrombosis of external hemorrhoids.

There are three degrees of severity of acute hemorrhoids. When I level nodes have a small amount, painful on palpation. At the same time felt a burning sensation and itching in the anus, worse after stool.

At the II degree there is a more pronounced swelling, redness and sharp pain at a palpation. The pains are of a permanent nature, enhanced with walking and sitting.

At III degree redness and swelling spread to the entire region of the anus, visible bluish-purple hemorrhoids protruding from the anus. Very strong constant pain, sometimes combined with reflex urinary retention. Perhaps necrosis nodes (nodes to appear in black areas).


Chronic hemorrhoids

Chronic hemorrhoids starts with precursors: periodically after defecation occur discomfort in the anus: feeling of discomfort, tingling, increased humidity. In the future, sometimes with defecation blood appears. The duration of the period ranging from several months to several years.

Gradually, the disease progresses: defecation in the anus, pain, aggravated by eating disorders, bleeding during bowel movements become regular. Slow growth of internal hemorrhoids leads to loss of the anus. Initially, the nodes only occur during bowel movements and reduce a self, then they need to reduce a defecation, and, finally, there comes a time when the nodes begin to fall at the slightest exertion.


The treatment of hemorrhoids

In the initial period shall be conservative hemorrhoids (without operation) treatment. This timely action can be taken to slow the progression of the disease. Important is diet and nutrition, regular bowel habits, and hygienic measures. From diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
   necessary to eliminate sharp spicy and irritating the gastrointestinal tract dishes, as well as alcoholic beverages. Normalization of defecation contributes to the consumption of foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits), regular meal, a light supper for 2-3 hours before bedtime, systematic gymnastics, wash the anus after defecation with cool water.

If you have itching, pain after defecation apply rectal suppositories containing belladonna (belladonna), benzocaine, procaine. In chronic hemorrhoids, bleeding occurs only with no loss of hemorrhoids, use candles with epinephrine (contra - high blood pressure).

Hemorrhoids can be treated on an outpatient basis with a surgeon or a proctologist. Apply special bandage with heparin ointment, pain and spasms candles, hip baths with potassium permanganate. If this does not help and the condition worsens, the treatment is continued at the hospital, where the removal is carried out hemorrhoids surgically.

Prevention of hemorrhoids - a proper diet, regular meals, timely defecation and combating sedentary lifestyles by daily walks and exercise.

Galina Romanenko

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