cheesecake with apples
 Delicate cottage cheese dough is popular among housewives: the product of such a test for a long time not stale and have surprisingly delicate flavor. Cheesecake with apples can be served as a day of preparation, and the next day - this kind of baking long lasting freshness.

 Cheesecake with apples: tasty and healthy

For those who do not like cottage cheese

Doctors recommend definitely include in the diet of children and adults natural cheese - a source of easily digestible protein and calcium. It's no secret that despite the obvious benefits of cheese, a product like this is not all. Especially difficult for mothers whose children have flatly refused to eat recommended by pediatricians product. Fortunately, cottage cheese dough hits the spot even for those who do not like cheese itself. Indeed, in a test specific cheese flavor hardly felt.

Cottage cheese goes well with apples, so it is not surprising that very often cottage cheese dough is used as a basis for apple pie Apple pie - one of the most popular desserts in the world  Apple pie - one of the most popular desserts in the world
 . For the dough does not get wet from the juicy filling, it is recommended to sprinkle a small amount of starch.

On the shelves often come across the so-called "cheese product" made with vegetable oils. Some people like these products, but baking is better to use a more useful natural curd any fat. To cottage was gentle, it can be added before cooking test wipe.

 Cheesecake with apples: tasty and healthy

Types of cottage cheese dough

 cheesecake with apples
 There are many varieties on the basis of cottage cheese dough: puff, "torn", yeast, curd, shortbread and others. Adding cheese to the yeast dough Yeast dough  Yeast dough
   It provides a soft elastic pastries, which does not get stale for a long time. Cottage cheese puff pastry Puff pastry: lacy splendor  Puff pastry: lacy splendor
   perfect for shallow baking and sand from cottage cheese and bake cakes for fruit cakes and savory pies.

Products made of cottage cheese dough out very soft, it can be like to bake and fry in oil. Number of cottage cheese can be varied to obtain the best result. Sometimes curd dough added eggs or egg yolks only for greater plasticity, but some recipes do not provide for such additions.

Typically, sugar is added to the dough in curd very sparingly or not added at all - sweet cakes and biscuits from such a test burn quickly. The dough is cooked with no added sugar, it is also suitable for salty biscuits, and sweet pies - in the latter case, you should add a little more sugar in the filling. Typically, the dough-based disintegrant is added to cheese to impart baking air consistency.

Cottage cheese dough is one of the most easy and quick to prepare. To pies turned out tender and tasty, kneading the dough is the best of the component cooling, giving them warm.

 Cheesecake with apples: tasty and healthy

Delicious cheesecake with apples

To prepare the dough for a hundred and fifty grams of curd should take two cups of flour, five tablespoons of milk, five tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a cup of flour, a bag of baking powder. For the filling you will need three large fragrant apple, twenty grams of butter, half to two-thirds cup of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, a little cinnamon.

Knead the soft dough and put it in the fridge for half an hour. During this time, prepare the filling: apples peeled, finely chopped, mixed with sugar and cinnamon, put in the hot butter. Two-thirds of the dough put in a greased form, forming ledges. Sprinkle the dough with starch and put the apple filling. The remaining dough to roll out thinly, cut strips and make a lattice top of apples. The top of the cake grease with beaten egg yolk and bake for twenty to thirty minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

Maria Bykov

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