home remedies for acne treatment
 Acne - a common skin problem that affects people of all ages. Teenagers are especially prone to this because of the increased level of hormones in the body. Acne can appear on the face, chest, back and scalp. Lack of sleep, too much stress, unhealthy eating habits and hectic lifestyles can also be the cause of their appearance. Home remedies for acne treatment to help cope with this nuisance.

Although one specific anti-acne no, there are many simple and affordable natural remedies that can prevent or minimize the problem of acne. Using some common tools that you have in the cupboard and fridge, you can treat acne at home.


Lemon juice

The acidic properties of lemon can be very useful in the treatment of acne at home. Lemon to clean the dirt that has accumulated in the pores, and harden sebum. Just grab a slice of lemon and rub them to the affected area and leave for a few hours, and then rinse with clean water. Another way to treat acne - Mix lemon juice with rose water in equal parts, and then rinse well with this line-up the affected area.



Toothpaste that you regularly brush your teeth, can also be used for getting rid of acne. Take a small amount of toothpaste and apply on the acne before going to bed. Toothpaste will remove swelling and dry acne. After a day or two acne disappear. In fact, it is one of the easiest home remedies for acne.


Tea tree oil

Another popular natural remedy for acne is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil acts as a preservative, and this helps to remove the damaged cells of the skin, irritating it slightly. When tea tree oil applied to the affected skin, it produces cells that fight bacteria that help get rid of blackheads. Simply apply one drop of tea tree oil to the affected area three times a day.



Fenugreek plant can also be used in the treatment of acne. Take fresh fenugreek leaves and mix them with water to get a soft paste. Apply herbal paste on the affected area and leave it for ten or fifteen minutes and then wash your face with warm water. Repeat this procedure three or four days to acne completely disappeared.


Juice aloe vera

Medical properties of Aloe Vera help to cope with the problem of acne in a few days. You just need to apply aloe vera juice on the affected area twice a day. Aloe Vera juice also helps to get rid of scars formed due to acne. Aloe Vera juice can be bought, or use the juice from fresh plants, cut sheet and squeezed the gel from its center.


Indian Lilac

Indian lilac, or it may be used in the treatment of various skin problems, including acne. It has fungicidal properties and, therefore, as effective in the treatment of acne. Make a paste of tender leaves of Indian lilac, adding a little water. Add the pasta a little turmeric powder and apply on affected area. This is one of the easiest ways to treat acne at home.



Honey has antiseptic and moisturizing properties and, therefore, if you put it on the affected skin for half an hour, acne will disappear in a few days. Try to first wash off the honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   the face with warm water, and then rinse with cold water to close the pores. You can also make a face mask by mixing honey and crushed nutmeg in equal proportions. Apply this mixture on the pimples and leave for half an hour. Then wash your face. Make a mask regularly to get rid of blackheads.



The cooling and calming effect cucumber helps in the treatment of acne. Take one small cucumber Cucumber for Beauty and Health  Cucumber for Beauty and Health
 And using the blender from steps a paste. Then, add one teaspoon of yogurt and apply on the affected area. Leave on for half an hour and then rinse. Cucumber - one of the most simple home remedies to get rid of blackheads.


Orange peel

The acidic properties and high amounts of vitamin C in orange makes it an ideal treatment for acne. Orange juice, as well as its skin, can be used to treat acne, but it is better to use a peel. Take orange peel and grind it into a powder. Add water to this powder and make a paste, and then apply to the affected area. Leave for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm water.



Grapes are rich in vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   C, can be very effective for the prevention of acne. Try to include grapes in your daily diet. If you have acne, take a fresh chilled grapes, berries, cut in half, and then rub the pulp into the affected areas. Leave on for ten minutes and then wash your face with cool water. This will ease the pain of inflammation, as well as close the pores.

Simple and affordable natural remedies to treat acne can solve your problem to some extent. For best results, you should also follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. However, if you can not cure these acne home remedies, you need to see a doctor.

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