Sand cake with apples
 There are a lot of delicious dishes, the recipes of which are passed from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. One of these dishes - the traditional sand cake with apples Cake with apples - fragrant delicacy for children and adults  Cake with apples - fragrant delicacy for children and adults
 Combining a sweet crumbly adze with the gentle sour stuffing. This dainty decorate and modest family tea party and festive meal.

 Sand cake with apples - classic taste

Short pastry: the secrets of great taste

Cakes, pies and cookies - shortbread dough is truly universal and suitable for most different baking. At the same time the preparation of this type of test is not difficult, unless, of course, comply with certain rules.

The composition of dough required to include a fairly large amount of fat (usually butter or use cheaper margarine), sugar, salt and flour. Often, the basic component is added as whole eggs or egg yolks, and a disintegrating component and various liquids (milk, water, juices). If desired, shortbread dough can easily be flavored by adding a little vanilla sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of ginger, nuts, cocoa, instant coffee and other fragrant substances.

As part of the dough includes a large amount of fat, you should not allow its overheating during kneading. Properly cooked shortbread dough should be smooth and matte, brilliant as the dough is rolled out badly and strongly crumbles, and products made of it are solid. To prevent overheating of the dough, kneading it should as quickly as possible at a cool temperature, using only chilled ingredients. The best temperature for the preparation of such dough - fifteen to twenty degrees.

Technology of preparation of products from dough is simple: with a knife blades or cooled oil is mixed with the flour and sugar in the cutting, then added to a mixture of eggs and other ingredients. The resulting dough should be removed in the cold for half an hour, so it is "rested". Chill the dough a must, and can not be peremorazhivat - this can significantly degrade the quality of finished products.

Properly cooked chilled shortbread dough usually easily rolled out on the table, lightly floured. Wrap shortcake on a baking sheet or in the form recommended by a rolling pin. To prevent the formation of bubbles in the dough during baking, cakes, lightly prick with a fork or knife.

Freshly baked dough products are usually easy to break and crumble, so before removing from the mold, they should be a little cool. At the same time it should not be left in the form of cakes until cool - congealed fat hamper taking out cake.

 Sand cake with apples - classic taste

Apple cake that melts in your mouth

 Sand cake with apples

For the preparation of this cake will need seven hundred and fifty grams of apple favorite varieties, juice of half a lemon, one hundred twenty-five grams of sugar, one hundred and sixty grams of butter, a little salt, grated zest of lemon or orange, two hundred and fifty grams of flour, a bag of baking powder for the dough, twenty grams of milk , coconut and oil for the lubrication of the form. Apples are better to take the acidic or sour-sweet varieties.

The unexpected combination of apples with coconut gives this cake a special charm. As an added flavors using orange or lemon peel. If you wish, you can use instead of the peel cinnamon, and instead of coconut - vanilla Vanilla: sweet tenderness  Vanilla: sweet tenderness

Peeled and sliced ​​into thin slices apples should be sprinkled with lemon juice and lightly fry in three tablespoons of softened butter. Remaining oil should be beat with a mixer, gradually adding sugar, coconut taste, zest and eggs. After whipping the disintegrant is added together with the flour and milk.

In a greased form should be poured on top of the dough and put slices of fried apples. Sprinkle with sugar, and - on request - coconut. Then put the cake in the preheated to two hundred degree oven and bake for forty or fifty minutes.

To the table a cake can be served as warm or cooled down. It perfectly combines with hot tea or cold milk.

Maria Bykov

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