• Bacterial vaginosis - vaginal secretions problem dysbiosis
  • Why is there

 why there is bacterial vaginosis

What causes bacterial vaginosis

More than half the cases of female genitalia is bacterial vaginosis. What's he like? The fact that the female genital tract, as well as the alimentary canal, heavily populated by various microorganisms. Here, the "live" and lactic acid bacteria and the Gardnerella, and mycoplasma, streptococci and staphylococci with, and many others. While the ratio of these microbial populations persists, women's health is not in danger. However, the violation of the microbial balance immediately leads to unfavorable results.

To maintain the physiological condition of the vaginal mucosa very important role played by lactic acid bacteria (or Lactobacilli), who throughout his life produce lactic acid, are provided in the outer genital tract acidic. Acidity with lower pH values ​​prevents the growth of opportunistic (the same gardnerellas, mycoplasma, and so on) and absolutely pathogens. That is why the reduction of lactic representatives of the normal vaginal microflora increases the number of pathogens that exhibit characteristic symptoms. In other words, bacterial vaginosis - a goiter external genitalia.


Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

First, an increasing number of discharge from the external genital tract (sometimes ten). This discharge can be whitish or grayish color, watery, but soon thickens and turns into a sticky and viscous mucus. It is noted the characteristic odor of the missing fish, which increases when mixed with potassium alkali discharge (this feature is based on a method of diagnosing bacterial vaginosis). Despite the fact that the signs of inflammation are manifested in the form of subjective sensations of itching or burning sensation in the vagina. Many patients experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Some women do not take the disease seriously, and it is in vain, as bacterial vaginosis can lead to inflammation of the endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries with all the attendant complications. In the relationship of bacterial vaginosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease seen the principle of feedback, ie above-mentioned diseases, in turn, increase the risk of occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. If the distortion of the vaginal microbiocenosis happened during pregnancy, it is possible entering the infectious agent in the fetal membranes, and even abortion. In addition, a newborn baby can be a serious septic pathology or a lag in physical development. And all this because the natural antibacterial barrier in the vagina sharply weakened.


What contributes to the pathology

First, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and menstrual irregularities. In addition, the vagina microbiocenosis adversely affected by long-term use of intrauterine contraceptive devices. As in the gut to the vaginal dysbacteriosis in the field results in a long and uncontrolled use of antibiotics. By the way, a violation of the quantitative composition of microflora in the digestive tract in half the time "helps" develop similar violations in the area of ​​the female genital tract.

Clinical symptoms indicative enough for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Much more important are the bacteriological smear from the counting of the proportion of vaginal microflora. The degree of bacterial vaginosis depends on the amount of lactic acid bacteria and their "enemies." Consequently, and assigned treatment.

Treatment typically involves two stages. You must first destroy pathogens cause. To this end, commonly prescribed metronidazole Metronidazole: guard inflammation  Metronidazole: guard inflammation
   - Preparation of a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Once the source of disease eliminated, proceed to the second stage - move lactic acid bacteria and restore their strength. For this, the live microbial suspension, which is transferred via the tampons into the vaginal area. If bacterial vaginosis is not caused complications, the two - three weeks course of treatment ends successfully.

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