 Any trouble with breasts of lactating women are popularly considered to mastitis Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?  Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?
 But we must understand that mastitis mastitis - discord. The first thing that causes pain and redness of the breast during breastfeeding - lactostasis. It usually occurs in young, inexperienced women who are not able to breastfeed the child. In this case - folk remedies, coupled with good attachment baby to the breast helps to quickly deal with nuisance. Mastitis is a logical continuation lactostasis and more serious diseases. Under infiltration folk remedies can be used, but there comes a stage when the festering - folk remedies are powerless and only retard the starting date of the proper treatment, the development of which is fraught with complications.

 Mastitis treatment of folk remedies - when it should stop?

Terms of use of folk remedies

Folk remedies can be applied only in step lactostasis and infiltration in the early stages of mastitis, i.e. in the early days of the disease, body temperature below 39 degrees and at a satisfactory general condition.

It is impossible to stop breast-feeding Feeding your baby - optimal breastfeeding  Feeding your baby - optimal breastfeeding
   from this breast, since the inflammation does not apply to milk ducts, and regular and complete emptying of the breast will help to get rid of lactostasis. Be sure to use a special support bra for breastfeeding women. You may use these folk remedies:

  • Fresh cabbage leaf lightly beat off and attach to the affected area as soon as the sheet heats up - replaced.
  • Leaves mother and stepmother is good to stretch and attach to the breast, every fifteen minutes to replace the new one.
  • Make a cake made of rye flour, butter and milk, and attach to the chest at night.
  • Onions, better white, bake in the oven, grind, mix with milk, apply on a napkin, and then - in the chest at night.
  • Figure grind in a coffee grinder to dust, diluted in water to a viscous mass, put on a cloth and apply as a compress on the chest.
  • Infusion of melilot (one cup of grass on two liters of water) to insist ten minutes infusion moisten a clean towel and apply to the breast for two hours, after replacing a new compress same.
  • Pumpkin pulp grate and attach to the breast and a half hours, then replaced with a fresh portion.
  • The saline solution made from one tablespoon of salt and a cup of water, boil and cool. Soaked in this solution and apply a clean cloth on his chest, replacing every fifteen minutes to alleviate the condition.
  • Black woolen mittens rub soap and apply to the chest at night.
  • The cake was made of rye flour and honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , Taken in equal parts, to the breast at night.

Never use hot compresses and warms, since they accelerate the transition stage of infiltration in the stage of suppuration, which is treated only by surgery. You can not put alcohol-packs and vodka to his chest - it can cause a burn and harm the child as alcohols are quickly absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and enter the milk.

Vishnevsky ointment and ihtiolovaya has absorbing properties, but also have sharp, unpleasant smell, and long-lasting, may discourage a child from breastfeeding - this will only complicate the situation lactating women as milk pumping hands much less effectively empties the breast than the sucking child.

To feed the baby from the affected breast, remove the wrap and washed well with water a comfortable temperature. Start feeding the baby should always be in this chest as a hungry child is active and it quickly emptied. If the second child is not taking the breast, it is necessary not to forget to express that it is also not formed lactostasis.

Immutable rule: if the use of traditional methods during the day does not result in a significant improvement in well-being of women, it is necessary to stop self and seek medical advice.

Svetlana Shimkovich

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