cesarean section
 In recent years, significantly increased the percentage of surgical delivery. Cesarean section is now no longer considered "the operation of despair," and is in the interests of the fetus or the mother when it is known that the risk of surgery is much lower than the risk of self-birth. But like all operations, extract the baby by surgery carries many dangers and complications.

 Caesarean section: do not rush to go under the knife

A little history

Among the inhabitants there is a perception that the name of the operation "cesarean section" is derived from the word Caesar. Ostensibly this way he was born. In fact, the mention of such a method of delivery can be found in the myths of ancient Greece, where it is stated that by caesarean section were born Dionysus and Asclepius (Aesculapius - the god of healing). The first operation began producing women living Ambroise Pare (16th century), but almost all mothers died (suture on the uterus does not overlap). In Russia, the first caesarean was made in 1756. We also know that in 2000 some Mexican made cesarean section itself.

 Caesarean section: do not rush to go under the knife

What is a cesarean section

Cesarean section - is the removal of (the birth of) a fetus through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. The literal translation from Latin means "royal slit" or "I cut dissection." Operation of delivery can be both planned and emergency, depending on the evidence. There are also scheduled (emergency) caesarean section. The planned operation is decided in advance, perhaps even early in pregnancy and is held on the testimony of the mother (such as myopia Myopia  Myopia
   high degree). The question of holding an emergency cesarean section rises during childbirth (eg, prolonged labor and uterine inertia, can not be corrected or the increase fetal hypoxia). Planned or emergency Caesarean section is performed within 24 hours of the day before the expected childbirth (unforeseen complications, such as pre-eclampsia or eclampsia).

Indications for surgery are divided into absolute, that is certainly a cesarean section (most often it is scheduled or planned surgery, for example, threatening uterine rupture and a narrow pelvis third or fourth degree) and relative (the totality of evidence determines whether caesarean section).

 Caesarean section: do not rush to go under the knife

Terms and contraindications for surgery

To perform surgical delivery requires certain conditions:

  • written consent of the woman for surgery (often during cesarean produce sterilization or tubal ligation);
  • a living fetus;
  • Anhydrous interval not exceeding 12 hours;
  • the presence of the operating surgeon and owning production technique of caesarean section;
  • the absence of acute infectious diseases (nevsegda observed effect of conditionality).

Contraindications to caesarean section:

  • dead fetus;
  • congenital fetal abnormalities incompatible with life (in the first and second cases is carried plodorazrushayuschaya operation);
  • presence of infections;
  • long, more than 12 hours dry period (the latter two factors are conditional).

 Caesarean section: do not rush to go under the knife

Advantages and disadvantages

Caesarean section has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the surgery include:

  • genera are considered safer in obstetric patients with clinically narrow pelvis (this factor is revealed in the process of labor);
  • because the operation is done in the interest of the fetus or the mother, that is, carried out according to certain indications, the risk of a much lower risk of complications during childbirth and the postpartum period;
  • vagina after surgery is narrow (nulliparous), there is no scar on her crotch after the cut (episiotomy) or rupture, so sex life remains the same (no pain during sexual intercourse);
  • reduces the risk of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences  Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences
   and genital prolapse (especially vaginal);
  • fetal head is not deformed as it passes through the pelvic bone ring;
  • after independent childbirth a woman loses sensitivity in the vestibule, reduced sexual arousal.

The disadvantages of cesarean section include:

  • a high risk of postoperative septic complications;
  • age the risk of death for the mother;
  • often there is a lack of breast milk or develop it in a small amount;
  • a break between pregnancies after caesarean section more than after the independent labor (because of the presence of the scar);
  • poor adaptation of newborns born by operation (no birth stress, mother's microflora colonization of the intestine, the vagina in girls, and the skin, a high incidence of lung disease).

Anna Sozinova

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