Protasov's diet
 Protasov's diet is considered one of the best known and most effective diets. This is not a one-day diet - on diet proposed in the late twentieth century, and to this day very successfully lose weight many women. At the same time as the other power system, "protasovka" is not for everyone, and has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Features diet

Kim Protasov diet is simple: it is not necessary to acquire and kitchen scales to measure out portions; No need to constantly look at the clock; You do not need to count every calorie eaten slices. It is possible to have any number of non-starchy vegetables and raw unsweetened dairy products, the fat content of which does not exceed five percent. In addition, on the day you can eat three green apples and one boiled egg. You can drink water, tea and coffee without sugar. All other products are prohibited. Allowed products can have, at any time, in any number and in any combination. Salt and spices should be used sparingly.

The duration of the diet - five weeks. The weight starts to walk away from the first days of the diet restrictions. During the second week of the diet hunger Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
   It disappears, and many easy to give up apples and eggs. Starting with the third week of the diet is slightly different: dairy products are limited, but the menu is entered lean meat, fish or poultry (up to three hundred grams per day).

Out of the recommended diet gradually. First introduced into the diet of a small amount of porridge without butter, cooked in water. As the salad dressing is allowed to use vegetable oil (no more than three teaspoons a day). Expanding the list of allowed fruits: you can eat not only green apples and kiwi, grapefruit and other unsweetened fruit. We should try to ensure that the menu was dominated by fresh vegetables and low-fat protein foods - so the process of weight loss will continue.


The benefits of a diet

Follow Kim Protasov diet is a snap: just remember a short list of authorized products. It is very convenient that it is possible at any time - this advantage is especially appreciated by those who work late and can not imagine life without a late dinner. In contrast to the harmful protein diets, "protasovka" does not cause constipation - a large amount of fiber in vegetables promotes regular bowel cleansing.

Protasov's diet is relatively easy to carry, especially those who love vegetables and low-fat dairy products. In addition, the season is such a diet very burdensome for the purse.

A large number of vegetables to satisfy the needs of the body in a variety of minerals and vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 . Diet helps to improve metabolism and generates the correct dietary habits. Very many adherent of such a diet noted that did not experience cravings for sweets.


Disadvantages diet

According to the doctors, "protasovka" is not as universal as assumed. In many diseases the use of a large number of raw vegetables is undesirable. So, the diet is prohibited suffering from duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis and esophagitis. Anyone who has any gastrointestinal disease, should consult a doctor before you restrict your diet.

Protasov's diet can not be considered balanced: it greatly limits simple carbohydrates and vegetable fats, proteins also enter the body in most cases insufficient. Of course, it is unlikely that five weeks the body will suffer significant harm, and yet resort to this diet should be cautious.

Unlimited use of low-calorie foods leads to the fact that portions of diet Kim Protasov's becoming more and more. The stomach is stretched, and after enough of the diet is not so easy. In addition, it should be noted, and the fact that in the winter and early spring, when fresh vegetables on sale a little respect for this diet can be quite expensive.


Can "protasovka" be useless?

To Protasov's diet to be effective, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations: vegetables have only raw, but only consume dairy products low-fat. Salt should be as limited. Herbs will improve the taste of food, but of spices such as mustard and ketchup would have to give.

The fundamental error of slimming system Protasov - excessive enthusiasm of dairy products at the expense of vegetables. It should be remembered that the basis of the diet - it is raw vegetables, dairy products are also a complement to them. At the same time give up dairy products completely impossible - in this case, the body will receive less fat, which in small quantities are necessary for health.

Of great importance is the correct choice of dairy products. Sweet curd cheese and fruit yogurts do not promote weight-loss. The diet can include only natural dairy products - milk, yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 , Yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. Number of fat per hundred grams of the product must not exceed five grams of carbohydrates can be the minimum amount. The composition should not be sugar, starch, vegetable fat and gelatin.


Origin diet

Fans' protasovki "often say that, as a diet designed dietitian, by definition it can not harm the body. However, the mere existence of a nutritionist Kim Protasov raises certain doubts. This dietitian never ever mentioned is due to dairy-vegetable diet, and did not give interviews. Many believe that such a person never existed, and "protasovka" came quite by accident.

Anyway, a lot of women still managed to lose weight through diet Protasov. Unfortunately, we managed to save the result is not all. A reasonable and balanced diet after diet will prevent the return of the lost kilos. After finishing the diet, it is advisable to go into small portions, to give up late meals and continue to eat plenty of fresh vegetables.

Maria Bykov

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