the birth of twins
 Birth of a child - always a joy. And if you are born just two? The twins always attract the attention of others, and many consider the birth of twins a great success, a double joy. However, and the responsibility falls on the parents' double. However, many couples dream of the twins, which will never be bored together.


What are the twins

Gemini - children who at the same time develop during pregnancy are born at the same time. Children can be as perfectly identical (monozygotic, monozygotic) twins and dizygotic, mnogoyaytsovymi, that is similar to each other no more than ordinary brothers and sisters born at different times.

Identical twins are born from a single egg fertilized by one sperm, and therefore have the same genotype. Such twins are almost always of the same sex. They have a very strong portrait likeness and practically the same character, habits, inclinations. Even the fate of monozygotic twins separated in infancy, often inexplicably coincides.

Dizygotic twins can develop when two eggs are fertilized by two sperm. The genotype of these children are different, although they are, of course, may be similar to each other as there are like brothers and sisters. Interestingly, the described cases of the birth of fraternal twins with different fathers - like, however, is extremely rare.

"Siamese twins" - also a rare phenomenon. For the first time the birth of conjoined twins has been described in Siam (now - Thailand). Causes of this disease are still unclear. In our time, conjoined babies almost always separated by surgery.


Causes of multiple pregnancy

 the birth of twins
 Despite the fact that multiple pregnancy is usually more severe usual, many couples dream of twins. The idea to give birth to two babies at once seems very attractive. But the twins are born not so often. Previously, multiple pregnancy was advancing in a percentage of cases, now the frequency of such pregnancies increased to one and a half to two and a half percent. Experts attribute this to a number of factors.

For example, it is believed that older women more likely to have twins than younger mothers. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. As the world women are increasingly delaying childbearing, not surprising that the twins began to appear more frequently in the light.

Twins often appear in those who took hormones to avoid pregnancy or to treat infertility. And when artificial insemination procedures are complex and not cheap, women are always "just in case" introduced a few eggs, respectively, the likelihood of multiple births is increased even more.

Other causes of multiple pregnancies existed before. For example, twins are often born from those who have already been in the family twins. It has the meaning and the nationality of the mother, most often twins are born to women living in Nigeria, and least likely - at Chinese women. Repeated births increase the likelihood of multiple births, malnutrition and reduces the likelihood of the mother. The most common birth Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
   twins in the spring and summer, when daylight lasts a particularly long time. Finally, in times of war it is usually born more twins than in peacetime. However, all this applies only to fraternal twins - the probability of monozygotic twins is constant and its dependence on any external factors still not identified.


The first difficulty

Since pregnancy is examined using ultrasound, the birth of twins is no longer a surprise to parents. If found multiple pregnancy, the mother of the future requires particular attention to their health. With such a pregnancy increases the risk of various pathologies. Moreover, for the development of twins require more nutrients than the development of the baby.

Statistics confirm that the twins are often born prematurely. If both the baby in the womb is located correctly, there may be natural childbirth What is natural childbirth  What is natural childbirth
 More often it is required a caesarean section. The choice of method is performed obstetric doctor on the basis of ultrasound and comprehensive examination.

After the birth of children to their mother task is to establish breastfeeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
 . For the twins, who are often born prematurely and weakened, it is important that their food was full. If the mother's milk is insufficient, and increase the quantity does not succeed, it will have to resort to a mixed or artificial feeding.

When the twins begin to crawl from their parents is not a moment's peace: for even one baby is so difficult to follow, not to mention the two. However, the difficulties are forgotten with time, and the double joy of parenthood is: mothers and fathers of twins usually find that they are incredibly lucky that instead of one child and gave birth to twins.


Interesting facts

At all times, the twins caused great interest in the society. There are many myths about twins, and scientists have yet to explain a number of interesting facts about the twins:

  • Twins are more common among left-handers: about twenty percent of the cases, while left-handers among nebliznetsov occur half as often;
  • Often, the twins begin to talk later than other children. This does not prevent them from communicating with each other in the fictional language understandable only to themselves;
  • Sometimes a mother may be born twins several times;
  • It is noticed that mothers of twins usually live a long time;
  • Among twins exactly one-third - Identical twins. This value is constant;
  • Destiny identical twins can be repeated even in small things: for example, they may one day independently of each other to break a leg, get married, win the lottery, putting on one number;
  • Fingerprints of identical twins are similar, but not identical;
  • The probability of the birth of conjoined twins is extremely low. Conjoined babies born in one of the ten million cases.

Maria Bykov

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