Tina Karol
 The bizarre thing is still life. Here, for example, born 25 January 1985 in urban areas Orotukan in the Magadan region in the family of engineers Gregory of Samoilovich and Svetlana Andreevna Lieberman girl named Tanya. And twenty years later transformed into a Ukrainian woman, honored artist, Honored Artist of Ukraine Tina Karol. Miracles, and only.

 Tina Karol
 However, the almost all the wonderful transformations that occur with people of artistic professions, you can find an explanation. As Tatiana Liberman turned to Tina Karol? There are very simple and, in principle, a good thing - aliases. As a future star, was born in the Magadan region, where much closer to Canada, the US and Japan than to Ukraine, became a Ukrainian? And on this score there are logical reasons - because mom Tina herself hails from Ivano-Frankivsk, and each summer the family traveled to the Western Ukrainian city. In the end, the parents felt that the permafrost conditions are not suitable for raising small daughter, who the existence of this summer weather only knows through visits to her grandmother, and in 1992 Libermans moved to Ivano-Frankivsk, one of the administrative centers of the independent Ukraine.

It was here in his new hometown of Tanya and began seriously studying music .  Passion is expressed in the first visit to a music school, piano class (this class girl successfully graduated), and 12 years were added to this class and professional vocal .  Gradually formed Thani decision to link their future with the music, so that after the end of secondary school, she enrolled at the famous Kiev Higher School of Music named after Glier, the faculty of singing and pop vocal .  During training, the girl is not only brilliantly coped with the training load (to the extent brilliantly that she won a scholarship for talented young people, established by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine), but, in fact, started making first steps on the stage, creating your own instrumental ensemble .  After graduating from music school in 2004, the singer felt that music is music, and nice to have in my life and spare the professional version (surely played a role inherited from his parents 'Engineering' genes) - Tatiana entered the faculty of management and logistics of the National Aviation University .  This fact exercised leadership Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which immediately "recruited" talented performer in its own ranks .  Since 2005, Tatiana has been a soloist of this group .

 Tina Karol
 Actually, not a soloist Tatiana, because from that moment appears Tina Karol, the most promising singer of Ukrainian show business, seriously moving closer distinguished people such as Ani Lorak and Ruslana .  However, commonly known Tina came through the event, organized by the Russian producers - talking about the festival of young singers "New Wave" .  Taking part in the festival in 2005, Tina Karol took second place (won while Latvian singer Intars Busulis), but was awarded a special prize from Alla Pugacheva, in money terms are expressed in thousands of US $ 50 .  All the money spent on young singer shooting his first video called "Above the clouds" .  Then Tina launched a violent social and professional activities, the fall of 2005 with performances by visiting international peacekeeping mission in Iraq and Kosovo, as well as Russian charity ball in London .

The subsequent career of Tina Karol without exaggeration be called a triumph: from 2005 to 2007, she released three albums («Show me your love», «The Night", "pole of attraction"), each of which is based on sales in the Ukrainian music market certified gold status, and the last album and did become "platinum". Against the backdrop of this success it is not surprising that in 2007 she was recognized as the most popular singer in the country, and in January 2009 received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. However, in 2008, the singer had to make a definite break, associated with events in his personal life. In January last year she married her producer Eugene Ogier, and on 18 November the same year gave birth to her son Benjamin. However, the speed with which Tina returned to the stage (her maternity leave Maternity leave: how to survive it  Maternity leave: how to survive it
   after the birth of the child did not last more than a month), it indicates that soon the Ukrainian from the Magadan region with new forces will storm the musical peaks.

Alexander Babitsky

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