Representatives TEL channel already languishing with desire as soon as possible to start shooting a new telenovela with Natalia Oreiro. Even aired commercials in order to make it clear to the lady Mollo that time and the privilege to know and are ready to shoot, which "blood from his nose" to begin on Monday.

The channel plans to release a telenovela to air by the end of April and put it on the eight o'clock. It's quite a risky move on their part, as we recall that this kind of traditional telenovela out during the day, or rather, at the hour of the day. This was the net and most successful projects tel - "Wild Angel" and "Iago - dark passion." Natalia herself once said in an interview that this is a very important task, because to win the love of the audience, to attract their attention in the evening is much more difficult than during the day. In the evening, as a rule, people watch the news, feature films or TV shows, such as those that are on the channel Pol-ka, a genre which is very different from classic telenovelas.

In addition, it must be said that the main rate of TEL at the moment was not as successful as we would like .  New Osvaldo telenovela with Laporte, which is also set in the evening (21 hours) did not bring the expected success .  People are not used to watch soap opera in the evening, and, moreover, this program was a serious competitor in the series «Son Amores», production of the same Pol-ka Adriana Suara coming in 21 hours, and is currently the highest rating TV series Argentine TV .  Telenovelas Laporta had to be postponed for an hour later, but Le Soir does not sleep - a week on his channel at the same time, in 22 hours, start smashing project led by Facundo Arana, who no doubt eclipse series PHone .  It is said that the telenovela Laporte, which was conceived in the many, many series have to quickly turn off and fly over it (though Argentina will be the winter) .  So, to Natalia double responsibility, not just the most dignified return to television screens, but also to return to its former glory PHone . 

And while passions flare up, Natalia flew to Uruguay, accompanying her husband - Ricardo Mollo, whose group Divididos give a series of concerts in the country. Perhaps she will take advantage of this time to reflect on his new image, in which she must appear in the telenovela.

Recall that the new project is called Oreiro «Cachorra» and he will be a co-production channel PHone and production companies Gustavo Yankelevich and Raul Lekuna. Kachorra - so will be called the heroine Natalia. Written stseristami Gustavo Barrios and Diana Segovia, telenovela tells the story of Antonia, a girl from a poor neighborhood who does not like her name and why she prefers that her name Kachorra.

There is a murder, and the main character is involved in a story, though, of course, she herself is in no way to blame. Since she can not convince the justice of his innocence, she flees, and she manages to escape in the same house, but under a different name. Kachorra pretends to another person, whose place she takes in the house, it shelters. Thus begins her problem. And she telenovela.

She meets a young man, played by a young actor Pablo Rago. The main character will be a grandson of the hostess, which will run Kachorra. In the role of the housewife made famous Argentine actress Maria Rosa Gallo, familiar to us on the TV series "Black Pearl" and "Gypsy."

New life Kachorry quite similar to the one she led before. She is now - before this former simple as a waitress in a cafe - elegatno should look to have good manners, speak several languages ​​and be fully formed. That's where it will open space for various comic situations.

As in "Wild Angel", the main musical theme of the new series will be played by Natalia. It has not chosen the title track, but we already know this it will be from the new disc Oreiro, who is almost ready for release.

In addition, Natalia fans expect a big surprise. For the new role is going to change the image of the actress and the part with long black hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 That is right now. No one knows how it will look like the character, apparently, even the Natalia. But I think it will certainly come up with something of such things with this girl fantasy has always been all right.

Maria Zolotussky

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